Human growth hormone – safe and unsafe use of HGH …

If your child is growing more slowly than other children or is very short for their age, they might have low levels of a brain hormone called human growth hormone (HGH, or hGH).

Growth hormone is a small protein made in part of the brain called the pituitary gland. It travels in the bloodstream to all tissues in the body to stimulate growth.

Lack of HGH can cause slow growth in children and also problems with fitness and health in adults.

A very high level of HGH can cause children to be abnormally tall. In adults, it can cause overgrowth of bone that disfigures the hands, feet and face a condition called acromegaly.

Until the mid-1980s, the growth hormone used to treat humans was extracted from the donated brains of dead people. However a small number of people treated with such HGH developed Creutzfeld-Jakob Disease (CJD), a brain disease that causes muscle wasting and dementia.

Today synthetic HGH is used. There is no risk now of CJD.

Growth hormone is used to treat children who are not growing or are very short and adults with growth hormone deficiency.

If your child needs treatment with HGH, the Australian government will cover the cost.

If your child needs treatment with HGH, the Australian government may cover the cost. You can check whether your child is eligible on the Services Australia website.

The use of prescribed HGH under medical supervision is generally safe. HGH is given by injection. Some people get a reaction or swelling at the site of injection and a few get headaches.

Some bone problems, like scoliosis, could be worsened if HGH treatment causes rapid growth.

The illegal use of HGH without a prescription, for example to promote muscle growth, is risky. It can cause acromegaly, and possibly diabetes, high blood pressure, liver damage, heart problems and premature aging.

In addition, illegal HGH may not be what it claims to be, so you dont know what you might be injecting.

If you have questions about HGH, or you are concerned about your child's growth, talk to your doctor or call healthdirect on 1800 022 222 (known as NURSE-ON-CALL in Victoria).

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Human growth hormone - safe and unsafe use of HGH ...

Growth hormone in sports – Wikipedia

Growth hormones in sports refers to the use of growth hormones (GH or HGH) for athletic enhancement, as opposed to growth hormone treatment for medical therapy. Human Growth Hormone is a prescription medication in the US, meaning that its distribution and use without a prescription is illegal.[1] There is limited evidence that GH doping improves athletic performance, although the perception that it does is common in the sporting community.[2] Potential side effects of long term GH doping could mirror the symptoms found in sufferers of acromegaly, a disease in which the anterior pituitary gland produces excess growth hormone.[2] These symptoms include swelling of the hands and feet, joint pain, fluid retention, and excessive sweating.[3]

Human growth hormone occurs naturally in the human body where it functions by stimulating growth of essentially all tissues, including bone.[4] Use of exogenous human growth hormone (HGH), via injection, was originally for medical purposes until athletes began abusing HGH with the goal of increasing their abilities. Before recombinant human growth hormone (rHGH) was developed in 1981, HGH was only available by extracting it from the pituitary glands of cadavers.[3] The arrival of rHGH combined with other peptide hormone advancements has increased the availability of HGH on both the legitimate and black markets.[5] The first description of the use of GM as a doping agent was Dan Duchaine's "Underground Steroid handbook" which emerged from California in 1982; it is not known where and when GM was first used this way.[6] In 1989 the International Olympic Committee became the first to brand human growth hormone a banned substance.[5] Although abuse of human growth hormone for athletic purposes is illegal in the U.S., over the past decade it appears that abuse of HGH is present in all levels of sport.[7][8] This is fueled at least in part by the fact that HGH is more difficult to detect than most other performance-enhancing drugs, such as anabolic steroids. This is because rHGH has an identical amino acid sequence to the native isoform of the hormone while GH from cadavers is indistinguishable from endogenous GH.[9] Athletes competing in power sports, bodybuilding, professional wrestling, mixed martial arts, swimming, baseball, strength sports, track and field, cycling, soccer, weight lifting, skiing and endurance sports have been said to abuse human growth hormone, including in combination with other performance-enhancing drugs such as androgenic anabolic steroids including testosterone, certain products which claim to enhance HGH, and erythropoietin (among others).[5][7][8][10]

There has never been an adequately large randomized controlled trial showing definitively that HGH provides benefits to athletes and that there are no significant adverse drug reactions; there have been many small studies and several of these studies were recently reviewed and analyzed in a meta-analysis.[7] While the authors indicated that the meta-analysis was limited by the fact that few of the included studies evaluated athletic performance and by the fact that dosing protocols in the studies may not reflect real-world doses and regimens, their conclusions were as follows:

"Claims that growth hormone enhances physical performance are not supported by the scientific literature. Although the limited available evidence suggests that growth hormone increases lean body mass, it may not improve strength; in addition, it may worsen exercise capacity and increase adverse events. More research is needed to conclusively determine the effects of growth hormone on athletic performance."[7]

With regard to adverse drug reactions, there is data from animal studies that "long-term administration of human growth hormone can increase the risk of diabetes, retention of fluids, joint and muscle pain, hypertension, cardiomyopathy, osteoporosis, irregular menstruation, impotence and elevated HDL cholesterol."[8]

A report from the United States House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform on steroid and growth hormone use found that the misguided use of HGH by professional athletes and entertainers was fuelling the industry peddling the drug to the general public for medically inappropriate uses.[11]

Studies have found that HGH reduces body fat[7][10] and increases lean body mass.[7] However, no increase in muscle strength was observed.[7][8] This may be explained by short-term fluid retention.[7]

Researchers are still debating whether the more noticeable muscles are larger in size as well. It should be clarified, though, that muscle mass is not the same as muscle strength. Some say that human growth hormone will build muscle mass through raised insulin-like growth factors levels leading to heightened protein synthesis without any side effects[12] while other researchers argue that there have been no such findings on young healthy adults.[10] The second argument is more supported by research discoveries that HGH affects muscle protein synthesis no differently than a placebo does.[5]

HGH may build up connective tissue within muscles, at least in the short term.[10] If these effects are real they "may promote resistance to injury or faster repair [but] would make the muscle no more capable of force generation".[10] With the release of the Mitchell Report on December 13, 2007, 86 players were revealed to have used performance-enhancing drugs while playing in the Major Leagues. The report stated: "Players who use Human Growth Hormone apparently believe that it assists their ability to recover from injuries and fatigue".[13]

Acromegaly patients, who suffer from natural growth hormone levels of up to 100 times higher than normal, have lower stamina towards physical activity than people with regular levels.[10] When the patients are treated and their growth hormone levels decrease, their stamina improves.[10] This knowledge is part of the evidence behind the new belief that athletes who use supplemental HGH to raise their levels far above average could actually decrease their exercise tolerance, and thus hurt their athletic performance.[10] Further backing was provided in a study done by the Danish Institute of Sports Medicine. They found cyclists of good health and endurance "were unable to complete accustomed cycling tasks after administration of exogenous hGH" and concluded that HGH can inhibit recuperation from exercise.[10] Participants have also been found to have lower stamina after HGH treatment along with higher rates of fatigue.[7] Although adverse side effects can result from excessive doses, typical GH therapy has few side effects and those have likely been overstated due to the excessive amounts administered in earlier studies.[14]

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Growth hormone in sports - Wikipedia

Recombinant Bovine Growth Hormone –

Recombinant bovine growth hormone (rBGH) is a synthetic (man-made) hormone that is marketed to dairy farmers to increase milk production in cows. It has been used in the United States since it was approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 1993, but its use is not permitted in the European Union, Canada, and some other countries. This document summarizes what is known about the product and its potential effects on health.

The human form of growth hormone, also calledsomatotropin, is made by the pituitary gland. It promotes growth and cell replication. Bovine growth hormone (BGH), also known asbovinesomatotropin(BST) is the natural form of this hormone in cattle.

Recombinant bovine growth hormone (rBGH) or recombinant bovine somatotropin (rBST) refers to bovine growth hormone that is made in a lab using genetic technology. Some rBGH products on the market differ chemically from a cow's natural somatotropin by one amino acid. Both the natural and recombinant forms of the hormone stimulate a cow's milk production by increasing levels of another hormone known as insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1).

Concerns about possible health effects on humans from milk produced using rBGH have focused on 2 main issues.

First, does drinking milk from rBGH-treated cows increase blood levels of growth hormone or IGF-1 in consumers? If it does, would this be expected to have any health effects in people, including increasing the risk of cancer? Several scientific reviews have looked at these issues and are the main focus of this document.

Second, cows treated with rBGH tend to develop more udder infections (mastitis). These cows are given more antibiotics than cows not given rBGH. Does this increased use of antibiotics lead to more antibiotic-resistant bacteria, and is this a health concern for people? This remains a concern, but it has not been fully examined in humans.

Bovine growth hormone levels are not significantly higher in milk from rBGH-treated cows. On top of this, BGH is not active in humans, so even if it were absorbed from drinking milk, it wouldn't be expected to cause health effects.

Of greater concern is the fact that milk from rBGH-treated cows has higher levels of IGF-1, a hormone that normally helps some types of cells to grow. Several studies have found that IGF-1 levels at the high end of the normal range may influence the development of certain tumors. Some early studies found a relationship between blood levels of IGF-1 and the development ofprostate,breast,colorectal, and other cancers, but later studies have failed to confirm these reports or have found weaker relationships. While there may be a link between IGF-1 blood levels and cancer, the exact nature of this link remains unclear.

Some studies have shown that adults who drink milk have about 10% higher levels of IGF-1 in their blood than those who drink little or no milk. But this same finding has also been reported in people who drink soy milk. This suggests that the increase in IGF-1 may not be specific to cow's milk, and may be caused by protein, minerals, or some other factors in milk unrelated to rBGH. There have been no direct comparisons of IGF-1 levels in people who drink ordinary cow's milk vs. milk stimulated by rBGH.

At this time, it is not clear that drinking milk, produced with or without rBGH treatment, increases blood IGF-1 levels into a range that might be of concern regarding cancer risk or other health effects.

In the early 1990s, the FDA and other organizations looked at 3 questions regarding IGF-1 exposure from rBGH-treated milk. These were:

The available evidence can be summarized as follows:

At least 8 other national and international review committees have evaluated the evidence concerning potential health effects of rBGH on humans and dairy cows. These reviews (and the most recent year they convened) are listed below. Several of these reports document adverse effects on cows, including higher rates of mastitis, foot problems, and injection site reactions.

Although the use of rBGH is still approved in the United States, demand for the product has decreased in recent years. Many large grocery store chains no longer carry milk from cows treated with rBGH. A United States Department of Agriculture survey conducted in 2007 found that less than 1 in 5 cows (17%) were being injected with rBGH.

The available evidence shows that the use of rBGH can cause adverse health effects in cows. The evidence for potential harm to humans is inconclusive. It is not clear that drinking milk produced using rBGH significantly increases IGF-1 levels in humans or adds to the risk of developing cancer. More research is needed to help better address these concerns.

The increased use of antibiotics to treat rBGH-induced mastitis does promote the development of antibiotic-resistant bacteria, but the extent to which these are transmitted to humans is unclear.

The American Cancer Society (ACS) has no formal position regarding rBGH.

See the article here:

Recombinant Bovine Growth Hormone -

NBA will not randomly test players for marijuana again this season –

The NBA wont randomly test players for marijuana this season, a continuation of the policy that was put in place for the COVID-19 restart bubble.

The Associated Press reports that drug testing will continue for things such as human growth hormone and performance-enhancers, along with what the league calls drugs of abuse such as methamphetamine, cocaine and opiates.

We have agreed with the NBPA to extend the suspension of random testing for marijuana for the 2021-22 season and focus our random testing program on performance-enhancing products and drugs of abuse, NBA spokesman Mike Bass said Wednesday.

The policy comes as more than half of the states in the U.S., including Michigan, have decriminalized possessing small amounts of marijuana.

The agreement was revealed to players in a memo from the players union, the details of which were first reported by ESPN.

The league didnt test for marijuana last season, either.


NBA will not randomly test players for marijuana again this season -

Effect of meal composition and alcohol consumption on postprandial glucose concentration in subjects with type 1 diabetes: a randomized crossover…

This article was originally published here

BMJ Open Diabetes Res Care. 2021 Oct;9(1):e002399. doi: 10.1136/bmjdrc-2021-002399.


INTRODUCTION: Meal composition is known to affect glycemic variability and glucose control in type 1 diabetes. The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of high carbohydrate meals of different nutritional composition and alcohol on the postprandial glucose response in patients with type 1 diabetes.

RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS: Twelve participants were recruited to this randomized crossover trial. Following a 4-week run-in period, participants received a mixed meal on three occasions with the same carbohydrate content but different macronutrient composition: high protein-high fat with alcohol (0.7g/kg body weight, beer), high protein-high fat without alcohol, and low protein-low fat without alcohol at 2-week intervals. Plasma and interstitial glucose, insulin, glucagon, growth hormone, cortisol, alcohol, free fatty acids, lactate, and pH concentrations were measured during 6 hours. A statistical analysis was then carried out to determine significant differences between studies.

RESULTS: Significantly higher late postprandial glucose was observed in studies with higher content of fats and proteins (p=0.0088). This was associated with lower time in hypoglycemia as compared with the low protein and fat study (p=0.0179), at least partially due to greater glucagon concentration in the same period (p=0.04). Alcohol significantly increased lactate, decreased pH and growth hormone, and maintained free fatty acids suppressed during the late postprandial phase (p<0.001), without significant changes in plasma glucose.

CONCLUSIONS: Our data suggest that the addition of proteins and fats to carbohydrates increases late postprandial blood glucose. Moreover, alcohol consumption together with a mixed meal has relevant metabolic effects without any increase in the risk of hypoglycemia, at least 6 hours postprandially.


PMID:34620620 | DOI:10.1136/bmjdrc-2021-002399

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Effect of meal composition and alcohol consumption on postprandial glucose concentration in subjects with type 1 diabetes: a randomized crossover...

Jay Underwood went to the neighborhood store to pick up some groceries and never came home –

Jay Underwood drove to the nearby WinCo on March 17 to buy some cabbage and other groceries to prepare a late-night St. Patricks Day dinner.

It should have been a quick trip just three blocks away, but he didnt return. His wife kept calling and texting and then grumbling when he didnt respond.

Becky Underwood checked her Life360 family locator app, which placed him at the store off Northeast 122nd Avenue based on his phones GPS location.

She sent her son, Jeffrey Casey, to go find him.

When Casey arrived at WinCo, he found the store cordoned off with yellow police tape and police cars surrounding it.

He saw his mothers white Toyota Avalon parked in the lot. Underwood, his stepfather, had taken the car to the store.

Casey told the first officer he saw, Im looking for my father.

Police had him stay put and a detective eventually questioned him in a mobile command center set up outside the store.

Casey said he wasnt told what had happened.

Becky Underwood, meanwhile, had been watching TV and learned someone had been shot inside the WinCo.

I knew his phone was inside that store, she said. My first thought was he was being held up as a witness.

Hours later, Portland homicide Detective Brad Clifton arrived at their home. He told them Jay Underwood had been shot and killed inside the WinCo.

Court records and interviews by The Oregonian/OregonLive reveal the breadth of the crime and its strikingly public nature -- a fatal shooting in a crowded store followed by an armed carjacking in the parking lot.

Prosecutors, a defense attorney and family members all have indicated they dont know what provoked the shooting.

It could have involved drugs or might have been spurred when the alleged gunmans ex-girlfriend called Underwood moments before he was killed, police and a prosecutor said in court. But they dont know for sure, they said.

Jay Underwood was the 21st person to die in a homicide in Portland in a year on pace to set a record for violent deaths in the city.

FOR MORE ON THE PEOPLE WHO DIED, NEW DETAILS OF CASES, go to Portland Homicides: Under the Gun

I havent accepted it yet, Becky Underwood said in late July, three months after the shooting, as she sat with her son outside their home.

In my mind, hes going to come around the corner from that shed over there and come in, she said. It doesnt seem real. I do know hes gone, but I just expect to see him come home anytime because he was always here.


Jay Underwood pulled into the WinCo lot at 9:43 p.m., the stores surveillance video shows.

His friend Blake Daniels had stopped by their home earlier and then rode with him to the store but stayed behind in the car as Underwood entered the store alone.

Less than 10 minutes later, the video shows Daniels emerging from the Toyota and heading into WinCo as well, dressed in a dark coat, rust-colored hat and green shoes with tan soles.

He walked past the shelves of bread holding a gallon jug of water and stopped briefly at a rack by a checkout aisle.

He grabbed a box of Hostess cupcakes and walked back along the bread shelves. He got to the end of the aisle before he turned around, slowly walked back, reached into his right pocket, pulled a gun out and appeared to fire it at close range at a man standing in front of the rows of bread, according to the video.

The man, Underwood, instantly crumbled to the floor.

Daniels didnt break his gait, turned and ran out a checkstand aisle.

He had been in the WinCo for only two minutes, according to the video and Clifton, the homicide detective.

Police found Underwood lying face up on the floor between the bread aisle and a row of cashier lines. A single 40-caliber shell casing lay about 10 feet from his body. He was dead at the scene from a gunshot wound to the chest, Clifton testified in court.

Video surveillance footage from the WinCo on March 17, 2021 shows Jay Underwood's friend, Blake Maurice Daniels, who is accused of shooting Underwood once in the chest inside the store and then walking out, holding a jug of water and cupcakes, before carjacking a vehicle in the parking lot, police say.Surveillance video

Outside the store, Daniels walked up to an occupied Subaru Forester that had just pulled into the parking lot and climbed into the back seat on the drivers side, video shows.

Holding a black handgun, he ordered the motorist to drive, according to the detective. The driver and his wife quickly bailed out of their car and Daniels took off in it.

Investigators who arrived at the scene reviewed the video and interviewed Underwoods stepson, then distributed a flier with Daniels photo and description of the stolen Subaru.

The next morning, police found Daniels and arrested him at the Rodeway Inn near Northeast 97th Avenue and Sandy Boulevard, according to the detective.

The Subaru was discovered on a dead-end street at Northeast 106th Avenue near San Raphael Street, with the keys left inside. A nearby resident reported it to police.

Not far from the abandoned SUV, police found a dark-colored jacket and a discarded rust-colored beanie, Clifton said.

Jay Underwood, left, Becky Underwood and her son, Jeffrey Casey, on vacation in Mexico in 1996. Photo courtesy of Becky Underwood


Police patted down Daniels. He had a black case on him containing two bags of methamphetamine and a bag of heroin, they said.

His ex-girlfriend, Heather Marie Casillas, told officers that Daniels began dealing drugs -- methamphetamine, heroin, cocaine and OxyContin -- after he was laid off during the coronavirus pandemic, Clifton testified.

She told police Daniels was dealing drugs with Underwood and by November 2020, the two were together on a regular basis -- almost every day for months, the detective testified.

Daniels also was using human growth hormone and steroids and had become increasingly angry and volatile, she said, according to the court records. They had broken up in recent weeks.

On the evening of March 17, Casillas called Jay Underwood to see if he knew where Daniels was. She planned to retrieve some belongings from an apartment she had shared with Daniels and wanted to make sure he wasnt there when she stopped by.

Underwood didnt answer her first call. But they connected by phone at 9:48 p.m. when Underwood was in the WinCo. He told her he was shopping and that Daniels was with him, waiting out in the car.

He said hed call her back. He never did.

Police investigators and the prosecutor said they dont know exactly what prompted the shooting.

Deputy District Attorney Melissa Marrero said in court that it could have had something to do with a drug deal or the fact that Daniels ex-girlfriend was calling Jay Underwood and he took her call.

There are multiple potential motives here, she said.

William Walsh, Daniels lawyer, argued at a bail hearing that prosecutors failed to prove any animosity between the two men. They both arrived at the store together and there was no evidence of a fight or dispute, he said.

It doesnt seem to be as rational as one would think, Walsh said.

We were a happy couple, Becky Underwood said. "Everyone has their moments. But being together for so long, we finally figured out all that stupid stuff. Photo courtesy of Becky Underwood


Jay Underwood had told his wife he didnt want a funeral when he died.

He really enjoyed life. He said, Have a party, Becky Underwood recalled.

She respected his wishes. She planned instead to host a celebration of his life, but hasnt yet.

She said she has no idea what propelled the killing. Both she and her son said they were surprised to learn at a court hearing that Jay Underwood had anything to do with drug dealing.

Becky Underwood said she needs some way to let out her rage and has considered going to the beach to just scream.

Her husband, she said, had been her caretaker for about the past 10 years after working 24 years for ADP, the human resources software provider. He supported her as she battled breast cancer, struggled with a detached retina and most recently suffered hip pain that hampered her ability to walk.

He did everything for me, she said. Despite her efforts to help out, He cooked all the meals. He always said, I just want you to be comfortable.

Jay Underwood was born in Boise, lived in Spokane as a child and later moved to Portland. He would have turned 61 on July 3. He and his wife would have celebrated their 30th wedding anniversary on Aug. 24.

He had many interests. He loved to barbecue and cook -- prime rib and carbonara were among his favorites. He and his wife used to go camping in Newport and enjoyed vacationing in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico.

At one time, he was president of a local Mopar car club and the couple attended car shows across the state. He enjoyed fixing cars and would head out the door at all hours to help neighbors and friends whose cars had broken down or run out of gas, his wife said.

He considered starting his own contracting company because he was very much a fixer or would make something to fix something, Becky Underwood said.

He and Daniels had talked about perhaps starting a carpet-cleaning business in the future, she said.

Police say Blake Maurice Daniels fatally shot Jay Underwood inside a WinCo in Northeast Portland on March 17, 2021, and then carjacked a Subaru that was occupied and in the parking lot as he walked out of the store. The stolen Subaru was found three days later on Northeast 106th Avenue, according to police and prosecutors.Court exhibit


Earlier this summer, Becky Underwood attended Daniels bail hearing at the Multnomah County Courthouse.

She said she was sad and surprised to see Daniels. But I got satisfaction seeing him all chained up, she said.

Before the prosecutor played the WinCo video that captured the shooting, she left the courtroom. She said she couldnt bear to see it.

Less than two weeks before the killing, Daniels had been arrested on allegations that he came after his ex-girlfriend, Casillas, with a rifle when she tried to gather some of her things from the apartment. He was accused of being a felon in possession of a firearm, unlawful use of a weapon and menacing.

Three days later, Daniels was placed on supervised release on the weapons charges pending trial, and prosecutors dropped the menacing charge.

He was ordered not to have a gun and to report to a supervision officer on March 9 , ten days before Underwoods killing. He never reported, according to court records.

Daniels is now being held without bail on an 11-count indictment. Hes pleaded not guilty to second-degree murder with a firearm, two counts of unlawful use of a firearm, one count of first-degree robbery with a gun, two counts of unauthorized use of a vehicle, felon in possession of a firearm, possession of methamphetamine, possession of heroin and delivery of meth and delivery of heroin.

Although the neighborhood WinCo used to be their go-to grocery store, neither Becky Underwood nor her son will step back inside again, they said.

Casey said hes moved back in with his mother and is watching over her now.

Becky Underwood is left with her last memory of her husband, quickly kissing her goodbye before he left for the store. We sort of just brushed lips, she said.

I never thought it would happen to me... always thought it would happen to someone else, she said. You just dont know when someone walks out your door.

-- Maxine Bernstein

Email at; 503-221-8212

Follow on Twitter @maxoregonian

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Jay Underwood went to the neighborhood store to pick up some groceries and never came home -

Update on the latest sports | National news from the Associated Press | – WREX-TV


Dodgers win on Taylor's blast

LOS ANGELES (AP) Chris Taylor has put the Los Angeles Dodgers into the NL Division Series.

Taylor slammed a two-out, two-run homer off Alex Reyes in the bottom of the ninth to give the Dodgers a 3-1 triumph over the St. Louis Cardinals. Reyes entered the game after Cody Bellinger was issued a two-out walk by losing pitcher T.J. McFarland.

A wild pitch by Max Scherzer scored Tommy Edman and gave the Cardinals the lead in the first inning. It remained 1-0 until Justin Turner unloaded a home run off Adam Wainwright in the bottom of the fourth.

Dodgers manager Dave Roberts put the outcome in the hands of his bullpen after Scherzer was lifted with two on and one out in the fifth.

Wainwright had allowed four hits and two walks with five strikeouts over 5 1/3 innings.

The two clubs were a combined 1-for-15 with runners in scoring position until Taylor's blast.

The Dodgers get to face the 107-win San Francisco Giants, who say Logan Webb will start Game 1 on Friday. Webb won the NL West clincher on Sunday, hitting a two-run homer and working into the eighth inning.

Kevin Gausman gets the starting nod for the Giants in Game 2.


ALDS open Thursday

UNDATED (AP) The two American League Division Series begin on Thursday.

The top teams in the AL East are squaring off in the Division Series. The Red Sox led the division by 4 games on July 7, only to finish eight games behind the Rays. Tampa Bay won the season series, 11-8 despite losing their first four meetings with Boston.

Shane McClanahan starts Game 1 for the Rays on Thursday after going 10-6 during the regular season. Hell be opposed by Eduardo Rodriguez.

Chris Sale could start Game 2 against rookie Shane Baz.

Bosox manager Alex Cora said Wednesday that hes not sure J.D. Martinez will be available due to an ankle injury.

The White Sox and Astros were separated by just two wins as they captured their respective division titles, but Houston took the season series, 5-2. The Astros are making their fifth consecutive postseason appearance. The White Sox are in consecutive playoffs for the first time in franchise history.

A pair of Lances are the Game 1 starters. Lance Lynn pitches for the White Sox after going 11-6 with a 2.69 ERA in the regular season. The Astros counter with Lance McCullers Jr., who was 13-5 with a 3.16 ERA.

The Astros will send Framber Valdes to the mound for Game 2 against Lucas Giolito.


Padres fire Tingler after second-half collapse

SAN DIEGO (AP) The San Diego Padres have fired Jayce Tingler, who presided over the biggest collapse in franchise history just a season after finishing second in voting for NL Manager of the Year.

General manager A.J. Preller announced the move three days after the Padres finished 79-83 and in third place in the NL West, 28 games behind San Francisco.

Tinglers fate was sealed during a brutal freefall that saw the Padres go from a one-game lead for the NLs second wild-card spot on Sept. 9 to being eliminated from playoff contention with seven games left.


Fields now Bears first-string QB

LAKE FOREST, Ill. (AP) After resisting the move, Chicago Bears coach Matt Nagy has made Justin Fields his first-string quarterback going forward, moving veteran Andy Dalton into the backup role.

The former Ohio State quarterback and a first-round draft pick had played against Detroit and Cleveland as the starter but only because of veteran Daltons knee injury.

Dalton is recovered from a bone bruise and has resumed practicing this week.

In other NFL news:

Denver Broncos coach Vic Fangio says quarterback Teddy Bridgewater has a chance to practice Thursday after leaving Sunday's game against Baltimore with a concussion. Fangio says Bridgewater is improving and was cleared to lift weights with the team and attend meetings.

The Panthers have acquired veteran cornerback and 2019 NFL Defensive Player of the Year Stephon Gilmore from the Patriots for a 2023 sixth-round draft pick. The moves comes after Gilmore and the Patriots couldnt come to terms on a new contract.

Carolina running back Christian McCaffrey returned to practice Wednesday on a limited basis after missing Sunday's 36-28 loss to the Cowboys with a hamstring injury.

Browns starting linebacker Anthony Walker Jr. has returned to practice and will likely be activated later this week to play against the Chargers. However, the Browns are without defensive end Jadeveon Clowney as well as cornerbacks Denzel Ward and Greg Newsome II and nickel back Troy Hill.

The Cowboys are moving on from linebacker Jaylon Smith without getting into the specifics of the decision to release their leading returning tackler four games into 2021. One of the factors was a looming $9.2 million guarantee on Smiths 2022 salary if he got injured.

Washington has put tight end Logan Thomas on injured reserve with a hamstring injury. Thomas absence for at least the next three games could open the door for Sammis Reyes to become the first person from Chile to play in an NFL game.

The Lions put standout center Frank Ragnow on injured reserve, another setback for a banged-up winless team. The Lions are expected to give center Evan Brown his first career start Sunday at Minnesota.

Jaguars coach Urban Meyer publicly apologized for the third consecutive day Wednesday and said he never considered resigning after his inexcusable behavior at an Ohio bar was caught on camera and released on social media. Meyer says several members of the teams leadership council have expressed their support. Team owner Shad Khan publicly reprimanded the Meyer for his actions at the bar last weekend.

The NFL Players Association says it has sent a formal request to the league for information about Washingtons practice facility being searched by federal authorities last week. The NFLPA says the situation directly impacts player health and safety and that the collective bargaining agreement obligates teams to adhere to state and federal laws. Head athletic trainer Ryan Vermillion was put on administrative leave for what a Washington spokesman called an ongoing criminal investigation unrelated to the team.

Jets coach Robert Saleh says safety Marcus Maye has the teams support. The star player is dealing with legal issues after being charged in February with drunken driving after a car crash in Florida. Saleh declined to say whether he and the team previously knew about the accident and arrest that was first reported Monday night.

Suspended Dallas offensive lineman Lael Collins has sued the NFL and Commissioner Roger Goodell. Collins is seeking an injunction to stop the remaining two games of a five-game ban over substance-abuse violations. The suit claims the NFL suspended the seventh-year player for missed tests when the labor agreement reached in 2020 no longer allowed for suspensions over missed tests or positive marijuana tests.


NFL ratings up 17%, averaging 17.3 million viewers

UNDATED (AP) NFL games are averaging 17.3 million viewers on television and digital, a whopping 17% increase over last season and 3% compared to two years ago.

Whether or not the league can maintain that level of growth remains to be seen.

Last season was played during the pandemic, mostly in empty stadiums. Also, many peoples viewing habits changed in a presidential election year.

Four of the five league broadcasters have growth above 20%.


No testing for marijuana in NBA this season

NEW YORK (AP) The NBA has agreed to not randomly test players for marijuana this season.

Its a continuation of the policy that was put in place last year for the restart bubble and has remained since. Drug testing will continue for things such as human growth hormone, other performance-enhancers and drugs of abuse such as methamphetamine, cocaine and opiates.

More than half of the states in the U.S. have decriminalized possessing small amounts of marijuana.


AP source: NHL investigates Kane for fake vaccine card

UNDATED (AP) San Jose Sharks forward Evander Kane is being investigated on allegations that he used a fake COVID-19 vaccination card.

A person familiar with the investigation told The Associated Press about the inquiry.

Using a fake vaccination card is illegal in both the United States and Canada, as well as against NHL rules.

This probe is just the latest into Kane, who was cleared last month of allegations made by his estranged wife that he bet on NHL games, some involving his own team.

In other NHL news:

Canadiens coach Dominique Ducharme says he does not expect Carey Price to practice before the start of the regular season, making the goaltender doubtful for the opener at Toronto. Ducharme says Price is recovering from a non-COVID-19 illness and offseason surgery to repair a torn meniscus.

The Coyotes have signed forward Alex Galchenyuk (gal-CHEHN-yuhk) to a one-year deal. The 27-year-old returns to Arizona after scoring five goals with eight assists with Ottawa and Toronto last season.

Quinton Byfield was placed on injured reserve by the Kings, a day after fracturing his left ankle in a preseason game. The second overall pick in the 2020 NHL draft was hurt in the third period of the Kings 4-1 loss to the Coyotes.

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Update on the latest sports | National news from the Associated Press | - WREX-TV

Global Human Growth Hormone Market Witness an Outstanding Growth and Strong Revenue and Forecast to 2030 | AnkeBio Co., Ltd, Ascendis Pharma A/S, BTG,…

Latest statistical data titled as Human Growth Hormone has been published by Absolute Markets Insights. The report offers an overview of various features of recent trends such as opportunities, developments which are comprehensively discussed in order to provide an in-depth analysis of the progress of the industries. Effective exploratory techniques such as qualitative and quantitative analysis are also used in order to explore accurate data.

The research report has been evaluated on the basis of various attributes such as manufacturing base, products or services and raw material to understand the requirements of the businesses. Apart from the regional outlook, the report also draws attention to leading industry key players such asAnkeBio Co., Ltd, Ascendis Pharma A/S, BTG, Eli Lilly and Company, F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd, Ferring Pharmaceuticals, Ipsen Pharma, LifeTein, LLC., Merck Serono, Novo Nordisk Health Care AG, Pfizer Inc., Sandoz Inc. (Novartis AG), Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd, Theratechnologies Inc., Versartis, Inc. and Vetter Pharma-Fertigung GmbH & Co. KGto understand the successful sales strategies of the businesses. Additionally, it also covers various factors which are demonstrated as significant market propellers.

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For an effective business outlook, the market study examines various global regions, such as North America, Latin America, Asia-Pacific, Japan, and India by considering different segments such as type, size, as well as applications. SWOT and Porters Five analysis are also effectively discussed to analyze informative data such as cost, prices, revenue, and end-users.

The growing awareness regarding the efficacies of human growth hormone therapies to treat a variety of disorders is creating high demand in thehuman growth hormone market. These medications are being used for the treatment of growth failure disorders (noonan syndrome, turner syndrome and idiopathic short stature), growth hormone deficiency, intestinal disorder (short bowel syndrome) and HIV-related weight loss or wasting. Public health regulatory agencies around the world have recognized the capabilities of growth hormone drugs and are granting approvals for use in various cases.

In terms of revenue, global human growth hormone market was valued at US$ 4109.23 million and is expected to reach US$ 5819.32 million, growing at an estimated growth rate of 8.9% over the forecast period. The study analyses the market in terms of revenue across all the major regions, which have been bifurcated into countries.

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Global Human Growth Hormone Market Witness an Outstanding Growth and Strong Revenue and Forecast to 2030 | AnkeBio Co., Ltd, Ascendis Pharma A/S, BTG,...

Blessing Okagbare charged with use of two banned substances – AW – Athletics Weekly

Nigerian sprinter charged with use of Human Growth Hormone, EPO and refusal to co-operate with investigation

Blessing Okagbare, who competed at the Tokyo Olympics in the womens 100m heats before being provisionally suspended, is facing fresh charges from the Athletics Integrity Unit.

The AIU have charged the 32-year-old Nigerian an Olympic and world silver medallist and two-time Commonwealth champion with use of the banned substances Human Growth Hormone (HGH) and EPO, while also allegedly failing to co-operate with the investigation.

The use of HGH was found in an out-of-competition sample collected on July 19 before it was reported to the AIU on July 30, the day upon which Okagbare won her 100m heat at the Olympics. She was then provisionally suspended one day after that race and forced to fly home from Tokyo.

In addition, EPO also known as Erythropoietin was found in another of the Nigerians out-of-competition samples, on June 20. Two days earlier, Okagbare had run a wind-assisted 10.63 for 100m in Lagos.

The AIU also state that Okagbare failed to comply with a formal requirement to produce relevant documents, records and electronic storage requirements by September 15.

She denies all charges and the case will now likely be heard by an independent Disciplinary Tribunal.

Okagbare is coached by Rana Reider, who has trained Christian Taylor andDafne Schippers while Brits Daryll Neita and Adam Gemili are currently part of his coaching group in Florida.

While there is no suggestion of wrongdoing on their part, UK Athletics spoke to their standards, ethics and rules committee regarding procedural advice when news of Okagbares HGH positive test broke on July 31.

The Nigerian broke on to the scene at Beijing 2008 when she won silver in the long jump before making an impact in the sprints, winning a bronze medal in the 200m at Moscow 2013.

Her personal bests are 10.79 in the 100m, 22.04 in the 200m and 7.00m in the long jump.

For the latest athletics news, events coverage and updates, check out the AW homepageand our social media channels onTwitter,FacebookandInstagram

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Blessing Okagbare charged with use of two banned substances - AW - Athletics Weekly

Is SHIB Going to be the New DOGE? Could This Meme Coin be the Next Millionaire Maker? – Tech Times

Urian B., Tech Times 08 October 2021, 11:10 pm

(Photo : Image from Unsplash Website) Is SHIB Going to be the New DOGE? Could This Meme Coin be the Next Millionaire Maker?

Shiba Inu SHB has just emerged as one of the best unexpected investments that is heading into Q4 of 2021. This is with its price rising massively by over 390% during the first week of October 2021.

The spin-off meme crypto, however, is risking wiping most of those gains in the sessions to come. Yuriy Bishko, a certain Ukraine-based market analyst, just recently discussed the potential bearish scenario that based SHIB prices on trends, as seen on TradingView.

The price trend actually seems to look very similar to DOGE's market spike earlier this 2021. As an example, SHIB October 2021 prices rallied following five whole months of consolidation in the $0.00000398-wide price range. Quite similarly, DOGE faced a sideways trend in February to April 2021.

This is where the bids bounced all the way between $0.0471 and $0.0630, which served as a basis for the new 500%-plus price rally that happened in late April 2021. Bishko noted that traders that bought Shiba Inu tokens during the whole sideways consolidation phase should be able to sell at least 20-30% of their own positions should they still hold after the rally.

SHIB's net breakout stretch then exceeded 500%. It was noted that traders should dump yet another 70-80% of their own net holdings. This is mainly due to Dogecoin's price rally that happened in April 2021, which saw a 60% correction. Once again, the triple in value of SHIB also coincided with a recent tweet by Elon Musk regarding the Shiba Inu crypto.

The whole profit-taking strategy actually appeared as SHIB resumed its own uptrend after falling a massive 41% in price correction during the previous session. SHIB had rallied to almost 27.5% in order to hit an intraday high of a whopping $0.00002919 which was much in line along with similar upside moves that were made across all of the top crypto assets, which include BTC and ETH.

According to the story by CoinTelegraph, small-cap tokens actually typically tail trends in the noted top-cap markets. An example of this is SHIB's 390% quarter to date or QTD price rally, which also coincided with the massive 30% bump of Bitcoin during the same period.

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During the exact same time, SHIB's daily relative strength index or RSI identified the crypto's current price valuation as officially overbought. Analysts also consider an RSI reading above 70 as excessively valued when it comes to the asset. For those looking into potential big cryptocurrencies, check out the best cryptocurrencies of September 2021.

This typically results in a follow-up with either a price correction or a new sideways consolidation. A Twitter-based independent market analyst, Bleeding Crypto, anticipates that SHIB could retest its own sessional hgh of a whopping $0.00003528. Before investing in any cryptocurrency, it is important to DYOR.

Related Article:AMC Recognizes Dogecoin as Cryptocurrency to Buy Digital Gift Cards

This article is owned by Tech Times

Written by Urian B.

2021 All rights reserved. Do not reproduce without permission.

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Is SHIB Going to be the New DOGE? Could This Meme Coin be the Next Millionaire Maker? - Tech Times