HGH Cycle (Human Growth Hormone Guide) Steroid Cycles

Human Growth Hormone (HGH) is naturally produced by the body that is critical for stimulating growth and the reproduction and regeneration of cells. Also known as Somatropin, HGH is responsible for many processes in our development and growth including the stimulation of IGF-1 (Insulin-like growth factor 1).

HGH appeals greatly to bodybuilders but it also comes with many more benefits than simply growth, and in fact muscle gains are not necessarily always highest priorities of people using HGH. Multiple other benefits come with using this hormone particularly when combined with anabolic steroids, including fat loss, recovery and rejuvenation.

HGH is often touted for its anti-aging benefits and many of those properties are also of great benefit to the fitness athlete or bodybuilder as the body is optimized for maximum performance with HGH impacting on some of the most important processes in the body that affect energy, improving body composition, sleep quality and bones and joints.

Authors Note: The following guide is based on my personal experience and does NOT promote the illegal use of steroids (PEDs). I am currently using this legal HGH alternative.

In this guide, you'll learn:

Just as testosterone is highly desirable to use in exogenous steroid form for bodybuilders and other athletes, so too is HGH. But it is very different from testosterone or from the steroids you might be accustomed to using.


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HGH is not an anabolic steroid, but rather is known as a peptide hormone. The original Somatropin human growth hormone is an identical synthetic version of HGH which the human body naturally produces.

Although there are some other HGH variations out there, theres only one identical form and it always goes by the name of Somatropin no matter what brand it is. This allows you to easily know when youre getting a pure form of HGH.

HGH is a unique substance to use in a steroid cycle and should not be thought of in the same as steroids. Instead, it is a powerful complimentary addition to any steroid cycle because of the way it can drastically enhance the effects youre used to getting with your steroids.

Authors Note: For real, NO-BS information on using steroids be sure to check out Straight From the Underground (my recommended underground steroid handbook). Everything in this book is based on first hand experience, not theory.

HGH provides a range of benefits which you mostly wont find with any anabolic steroid. This can make it a very valuable addition to just about any type of steroid cycle.

The benefits of HGH extend way beyond physique enhancement and include benefits to the joints, skin, bones, recovery, sleep and mood. Unlike testosterone which most steroids are based on, HGH is not a male hormone and that means females can use HGH just as equally as men without the negative effects that steroids cause.

Growth hormone is very useful for experienced steroid users who have achieved a high level of physique enhancement and where further growth or progress seems to have come to a halt using steroids. The addition of HGH can propel the advanced bodybuilder beyond existing limits when used in combination with powerful steroids.

The main specific benefits you can see with HGH include:

Bonus benefits of HGH include a noticeable improvement in skin health, and better sleep quality which will greatly contribute to recovery and overall wellbeing.

Human growth hormone when used medically is normally administered at low doses starting at just 1iu daily with 3iu usually being the upper limit with 4iu per day only used in very rare circumstances. Steroid users will be accustomed to utilizing quite high doses of most compounds to get performance enhancing benefit, but this is not necessary or recommended with HGH.

In fact extending the dose beyond a certain point puts you at high risk of very serious health effects. The good news is that HGH is very effective even at the low doses that are used therapeutically and this can be a good place for new users to start. More advanced users can increase the dosage slightly while keeping in mind that side effect risk will also increase. Below are some example doses to consider for various purposes.

When using anabolic steroids we can usually plan a dosage schedule according not only to personal goals, but experience level as well. When it comes to HGH your goals will play the most important role in determining your dose, rather than your past experience with either steroids or HGH, or both.

Since HGH is a compound mostly used by advanced people, beginners will always be advised to start at the very lowest dosage in order to evaluate how your body responds to HGH and how it interacts with any steroids youre using in the cycle.

For male beginners, a HGH dose of between 2iu and 4iu daily will provide excellent physique benefits. Even intermediate and advanced users will often settle at this dosage level, with the difference being the more powerful steroid compounds being stacked with HGH.

Lower doses provide excellent physique enhancement, repair and recovery benefits as well as fat loss, but those wanting HGH to contribute to muscle growth in synergy with anabolic steroids will need to raise the dose up to 8iu daily. This should only be attempted by intermediate or advanced users.

Its important to note that growth wont come fast with HGH which is why it is not often used primarily for that purpose.

What HGH will do for intermediate and advanced users is provide a noticeable enhancement to your steroid cycle and for many advanced users that is the primary reason for using HGH. The obtain truly impressive growth with HGH at these higher doses would require much longer term use than is safe to do.

Female HGH users can enjoy the same benefits as male users without the virilization side effects of steroids. Women can gain great benefits with HGH at the lowest doses of 1iu or 2iu daily and most females will not look to raise these doses any further.

While injectable anabolic steroids are normally intramuscular, HGH injections are most often a subcutaneous injection applied just under the skin.

Most people choose the stomach area for HGH injections because its easy to pinch the skin and apply the injection in the fat. Other recommended spots for injecting include the deltoid and thigh with the same injecting method used.

The injection site you choose is not going to have a direct affect on results; in other words, injecting into the stomach isnt going to result in stomach fat being lost directly. Rather, the formula circulates around the body through the bloodstream via the liver.

Unlike anabolic steroids which often have a standard way to use them, your HGH cycle is going to depend on several factors with the most important being your goals and the other being what steroids youre stacking it with.

Because HGH is a great addition to cycles with wide ranging goals from mass gaining to cutting, you will want to include it in the cycle to maximum effect with great consideration given to the other compounds. HGH is not fast acting substance.

You will not see instant or even somewhat fast results with it so it must be used at longer cycle lengths if it is going to be of any benefit. Short cycles of HGH will be of little to no use.

Therefore, whether youre a beginner or very advanced user you will not want to use HGH for any less than 8 weeks; but twice or three times that length of time is considered optimal otherwise the effects of HGH may not have enough time to develop.

Using HGH is mostly limited to more advanced users so while beginners are unlikely to go with HGH in the early stages of experimenting with steroids, there may be the occasional person who wants to give it a go.

Beginners who want an all round result consisting of both muscle gains and fat loss will look at stacking HGH with a testosterone ester like Testosterone Cypionate. HGH should be used for at least 16 weeks at 4iu daily to get the full benefit, with testosterone at 400mg weekly for the second half of the cycle only.

Those who are ready to add another compound to the above stack will be well served to make use of Trenbolone, a more advanced and potent steroid which will considerably add to the mass gains you can achieve.

HGH will enhance the effectiveness of both Testosterone Cypionate and Trenbolone Enanthate during this cycle. The total cycle length can last up to 6 months (24 weeks) if desired, depending on how you tolerate HGH and any side effects. At the very least this cycle should be run for 16 weeks to allow time for HGH to work.

Intermediate users can increase the HGH dose to 6iu daily, with both Trenbolone Enanthate and Testosterone Cypionate at 400mg weekly. These are both long lasting steroids which makes them ideal for a longer cycle. Like HGH, Trenbolone also increases IGF-1, making this combination a perfect match for both mass gaining and fat loss goals.

Trenbolone is perhaps the most advanced anabolic steroid one can use, so it should also be included in any advanced cycle with HGH. The difference with the most experienced users will be the addition of a dedicated cutting steroid in Anavar and optionally the addition of a lesser known but very powerful hormone called T3 (Cytomel) which is highly useful near the end of the cycle to help reduce body fat to the leanest possible level.

This fat loss and cutting cycle is appealing as a pre-contest stack and also makes use of Trenbolone plus Testosterone, however testosterone in this cycle is used only at support levels, with Trenbolone taking on the primary anabolic role.

Water retention will also be minimized or prevented by using testosterone at a dose of 100mg weekly. This cycle can run for up to 24 weeks, with the compounds split between different parts of the cycle. HGH will be used for the entire cycle as its slow effects will have plenty of time to kick in, with a dose of 6iu daily.

Trenbolone at 400mg weekly, and Testosterone at 100mg weekly is useful in the last half of the cycle, with Anavar and T3 only included in the last third of the cycle; for a 24 week cycle these two compounds would be used only for the final 8 weeks. An Anavar dose of 80mg a day and T3 at 75mcg each day will serve the pre-contest user extremely well in obtaining a hardened, very lean physique with minimal body fat by the end of the cycle.

It is very common that HGH will be stacked with other steroids. It works very well as a complimentary compound in a cycle and HGH has a great synergy with most steroids allowing you to get the most out of both types of compounds. HGH on its own is not a great mass builder but can greatly elevate results when stacked with mass building steroids.

HGH can be stacked with virtually any steroid, and as we can see in the above example cycles, Testosterone, Trenbolone and Anavar will work very well in synergy with HGH.

One of the great uses of HGH is to promote fat loss, while some muscle growth and strength effects can be expected at higher doses, however these can take longer to become noticeable and will not be at the level you can obtain with steroids. HGH will however work very well in synergy with your mass gaining steroids to enhance their effects and ultimately boost your results.

This is why HGH became so popular with bodybuilders throughout the 1980s and beyond where they were able to break through barriers and limits that had been reached with anabolic steroid use alone. So overall, mass gains are certainly possibly with HGH as long as its used in a well planned steroid cycle for a suitable period of time, as it is not a fast acting substance.

HGHs effect on the metabolism makes it a prime addition to a cutting cycle. One important function is to promote body fat as a prime energy source, ensuring the most efficient use of your existing fat is made possible. This makes HGH valued during pre-contest cycles, especially when stacked with powerful cutting steroids.

Users will notice excellent improvements in recovery and this relates to the wide ranging functions of HGH, from joint strengthening to improved sleep, the speeding of healing and muscle tissue repair.

No matter what your goals are, adding HGH to a steroid cycle is going to enhance your results substantially. The key is to give HGH enough time to be effective and this will usually mean including in a cycle for a minimum of 16 weeks, but up to 24 weeks is ideal for most users to get the best results.

Your results using HGH will, as with steroid use, highly depend on your nutrition and workout programs. You simply wont get the desired results if your diet is awful and you arent sticking with a well planned and appropriate training routine matched with your goals and carried out for the duration of your cycle.

While HGH isnt an anabolic steroid, there are still some side effects to be aware of but many of the ones you might be experienced with dealing with with anabolic steroid use wont be an issue with HGH.

For example, there is no androgenic activity with this hormone nor will HGH have any impact on your testosterone function in the form of suppression. So what are the potential side effects when using HGH? Heres what to look out for:

As steroid users we are used to certain types of side effects, but with HGH neither estrogenic or androgenic activity occurs. Unfortunately gynecomastia is still an indirect risk factor when using HGH, and this is due to the way that HGH interacts with estrogen.

So while HGH itself does not promote direct estrogenic activity, if you are going to be using strongly aromatizing anabolic steroids stacked with HGH you will want to be keeping on top of estrogen control, which is something you would certainly be doing anyway.

Perhaps the most common side effect of HGH is joint pain. While this might seem confusing because HGH has great benefits for the joints including for joint strength, possible pain can be caused by new connective tissue growth and some fluid retention in the joints.

The repair and growth of new joint tissue, while potentially coming with some pain, is a positive sign that HGH is working well. The retention of joint fluid causing pain will often subside after a short time, however it persists it can be controlled through lowering your HGH dose.

Users will want to monitor dosing according to pain levels. Very high doses will almost certainly result in this side effect, while those on low or moderate doses should be able to keep joint pain at manageable levels.

Specifically known as carpal tunnel syndrome, this side effect is also caused by a build up of fluid in not only the joints but in connective tissue in tendons as well with the result being the nerves are touched and hands and feet can start feeling tingling or numb.

Regularly moving and stretching the hands, arms, legs and feet can help prevent or manage this side effect. Once again those on higher doses of HGH will likely experience this side effect more extremely but in all but the most severe of cases it should disappear once you stop using HGH.

This is when production of the thyroid hormone by the thyroid gland becomes deficient and the main result is a slowing of the metabolism, as the thyroid is central to regulating the metabolism. A slower metabolism will make it harder for you to lose fat, can zap your energy and bring about various negative health impacts.

If you begin suffering this condition while using HGH, its possible to utilize hypothyroidism treatment such as Liothyronine Sodium which is a synthetic thyroid hormone. See your doctor if you have concerns about your thyroid function before attempting any medications.

A lesser known risk is the development of diabetes type 2. Its possible to develop this condition short term and the reason is HGHs impact on blood sugar and a reduction in the sensitivity of insulin. Those with existing diabetic or blood glucose related conditions must pay strict attention when using HGH, but even those who are otherwise healthy will want to monitor blood glucose levels throughout a HGH cycle. Even lower doses of HGH can bring about changes in blood sugar and insulin function

This effect is a concern when using HGH at very high doses over very long periods of time, and will not affect those using HGH sensibly at mild and moderate doses for relatively short periods. Excessive bone growth takes years to become noticeable and can affect the head, hands and feet in particular. Excessive growth of the organs and tissues are also a dangerous effect of excessive HGH use.

These will be permanent mutations of the body so must be absolutely avoided by sticking with sensible use of growth hormone. Beginners can be at most risk through a lack of knowledge about dosing and long term use, hence why its critical to be educate about how HGH works and how to use it safely. Gigantism in this form is the result of excessive HGH consumption at high doses over long periods of time such as several years. The majority of HGH users will never have to worry about this very serious but rare side effect.

Female users of HGH will welcome the lack of any virilization side effects as are almost certain with most anabolic steroid. Thats because HGH is not a male specific hormone and there are no androgenic effects.

HGH is considered quite safe to use at mild and moderate doses and those who are used to using anabolic steroids and dealing with their associated side effects will almost certainly find HGH to be much more manageable.

Only when used at higher doses for excessively long periods will HGH bring about serious negative effects as listed above, but sensible use should be well tolerated by most users. Steroid users are well versed in undertaking cycles with adequate breaks in between, and the same strategy should also be applied with HGH use.

Post cycle therapy with steroid use is all about restoring your natural testosterone production after it has been suppressed by the steroids. Since HGH itself does not impact on your testosterone, this type of PCT is not required if you are using HGH alone.

However, since HGH will mostly be used stacked with at least one anabolic steroid, the user will need to undertake PCT in accordance with whats most ideal for the steroid(s) youre using in the cycle. Nolvadex and hCG are two very effective PCT solutions which will serve the user of any of the above cycles well when it comes to stimulating normal testosterone function again after steroid use.

HGH can be combined with just about any anabolic steroid and used for any goal including bulking. HGH itself wont give you huge gains, but works in synergy with your steroids to maximize results. HGH also adds to the results youll get and your performance by improving recovery, enhancing joint strength and bone strength, and boosting energy.

HGH is generally considered less risky than most anabolic steroids with less chance of severe side effects. This only applies to sensible use of HGH though including moderate doses and not using HGH consistently over periods of years as this is where very serious health impacts can come along. But for the majority of users, they will find that HGH is safe to use as its a hormone naturally produced in both females and males, making it equally suitable and effective for both genders unlike anabolic steroids which are mostly very harmful to women.

HGH, when used appropriately at moderate doses for limited periods of time, does not come with the severe side effects that we see with most anabolic steroids. There are some negative impacts that some people will experience, mostly concerning joint pain, headaches and flu type symptoms. Some people wont experience any negative effects at all when using HGH. More serious side effects are likely to occur at very high doses or when HGH is used continually for years, and this is to be avoided.

HGH is legally used in medicine to treat some conditions relating to growth, but when it comes to performance enhancement or bodybuilding it is not legal to obtain or use without a prescription. In the US, HGH is not listed in the same way that anabolic steroids are but its still banned for use outside medical settings and in competition.

Compared with most anabolic steroids, HGH is expensive to buy. Theres a huge variation in pricing as well as a huge variation in quality of products. Unfortunately HGH is very often counterfeited and sold as an extremely low quality and inconsistent product that might not give you any benefits at all, despite the high price.

The best HGH to buy is pharmaceutical grade from known brands rather than generic products. Pharma grade is expensive so only those on a higher budget should consider HGH as the low quality generics simply arent worth the risk. The exact cost will depend if you are buying small quantities or in bulk but it can cost up to $1000 and beyond for 100 units of pharmaceutical grade HGH.

No, its a synthetic form of the naturally occurring human growth hormone which is produced in the human pituitary gland. Even though HGH does have high anabolic properties these are still not very effective at promoting huge muscle growth on its own which is why it is usually stacked with powerful anabolic steroids where bulking is the main goal.

Men who use anabolic steroids are often concerned with increased aggression and mood changes as a side effect, but HGH works differently to testosterone. HGH itself can help improve mental wellbeing and mood, when used at sensible doses. Negative mood changes are a potential side effect with higher doses of HGH as is potential dependency and withdrawal issues but this is not thought to be common, and is rarely even listed as a side effect. It is likely these possible impacts only affect people who use HGH at very high inappropriate doses and should not affect the average user.

To properly prepare your HGH reconstitute it with 1 CC (1CC = 1ml) of bacteriostatic water. This will give you a concentration of 10ius of HGH per ml (1iu HGH/0.1 CC). Each 0.1cc on the insulin syringe will contain 1iu of HGH. This means that if you are taking 2ius/day then each vial will last you 5 days.

HGH is a subcutaneous injection, rather than an intramuscular injection like anabolic steroids. This makes it easier to inject for most people as you arent putting a needle into a hard muscle which can be painful. Instead, the HGH injections goes just under the skin in part of the body where you are able to lift a small roll of fat to inject for most people the stomach area will be most convenient due to the thinner skin that is easier to pinch with your fingers so you can safely administer the injection.

If you need to push past barriers and feel youve reached a brick wall with your progress, HGH can get you past that point and on to experiencing results that are not otherwise possible solely with steroids.

While this makes HGH mostly suitable for more advanced steroid users, with some careful planning beginners can also take advantage of growth hormone which has a vast array of positive benefits, and is considered generally very safe when used sensibly.


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Legal HGH Alternative

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If you enjoyed this guide and would like more real, NO-BS information on cycling steroids, then pick up Straight From the Underground (my recommended underground steroid handbook). Everything in this book is based on first hand experience, not theory.

Read the original:

HGH Cycle (Human Growth Hormone Guide) Steroid Cycles

How to Boost Human Growth Hormone (HGH) Naturally

HGH is an important hormone produced in the pituitary gland. Its a good predictor of overall health. Low HGH levels point to an increased risk of disease and unhealthy weight gain (1).

Optimal Growth Hormone levels are vital during recovery, training, and weight loss (2,3,4). This is because HGH regulates cell repair and other recovery-relevant metabolic functions (5,6,7).

Because this Growth Hormone is naturally synthesized in the body, its possible to influence its production. Lets look at a few strategies for boosting HGH naturally and the science behind why they work.

Growth hormone production isnt linear. HGH levels are highest when you sleep, and even then, they are greatly influenced by your sleep cycles. Production typically peaks before midnight, followed by a few weak pulses before the crack of dawn (8,9).

To get the best out of these cycles, you need to be sound asleep before midnight. Go to bed about two hours, no less than an hour, before midnight.

Research has shown that your growth hormone levels begin to increase after about an hour of sleep (10). This is, arguably, when youre most likely to be in deep slumber (11).

Human sleep cycles occur in two main phases: NREM and REM.

NREM precedes REM (12). The interesting bit is that NREM cycles shorten as the night progresses (13). This is why its so important to sleep a few hours before midnight. You want to have as many long NREM cycles as possible.

Lets look at the three stages therein:

So, how do you optimize your sleep for maximum growth hormone production?

Structure your sleeping habits to make the most of SWS. Research shows that poor sleeping habits negatively affect your Human Growth Hormone levels (14). Ensuring you get adequate sleep is a proven strategy for continued high HGH production (9).

Here are a few tips:

Insulin has been linked to low growth hormone levels (15). To maximize

HGH production, ensure that your insulin levels are lowest at night.

How do you do that?

Sugar and refined carbslike white bread, white rice, and pastaare documented to spike your insulin levels (16). Reduced intake of refined carbohydrates and sugar has shown great potential in optimizing HGH production (8,9).

A study compared HGH levels between healthy people, and four other groups with insulin problems (diabetes, impaired carbohydrate tolerance, impaired insulin function). Growth hormone production was 34 times higher in healthy people (17). Clearly showing the link between insulin and HGH.

Sugary beverages are especially harmful. Interestingly, the body doesnt respond to sweet drinks in the manner it responds to solid food (18). These beverages arent as satiating as solid foods (19).

You end up taking more liquids than in solids form because you dont feel as fullindependent of caloric intake (20). Avoid sweet drinks like sodas and sweetened yogurt before bedtime.

Insulin levels spike immediately after a meal and stabilize after 23 hours (21). Eat all your meals at least 2 hours before bedtime.

Some research suggests that a high-protein meal before bed could potentially inhibit HGH activity (22). Even though the research on that isnt conclusive, we know for sure that all late-night snacks will trigger insulin production (23).

Excessive fat is strongly linked to low HGH production (24). This is another reason why you should avoid sugary meals, especially before going to sleep. The consumption of high-sugar meals at night is closely associated with weight gain (25). Avoiding sweet treats at night regulates your insulin, and also keeps your weight in check.

One study found that losing fat around the abdominal area leads to a significant boost in growth hormone levels (26).

In another study, participants who had 3x the amount of body fat as the control group were found to have half their growth hormones (27). Its well-documented that obese people return to normal HGH levels after losing weight. (28).

Interestingly, the impact of body fat on HGH production is strongest in men. Both sexes experience an increase in growth hormone levels after shedding off some weight, though (27,29). This is probably because fat distribution in men favors the belly, where its most harmful (30,31).

Healthy eating is beneficial to your overall well-being. Every balanced diet optimizes HGH production by keeping your insulin and body fat levels in check. That said, some special foods are directly linked to enhanced Growth Hormone secretion.

Lets look at a few of the best documented H G H-boosting foods.

This hormone is released as you sleep. It regulates your sleep cycles and helps you get longer and deeper sleep associated with enhanced HGH production (9). A melatonin-rich breakfast increases melatonin secretion in the night. Melatonin-Rich Foods :

Another study found that a tryptophan-rich breakfast coupled with exposure to bright light in the day significantly boosted HGH levels (32). Tryptophan-dense foods include eggs, milk, grains, beans, and meat. Work these foods into your breakfast and take a short stroll in the bright of day for a good nights sleep.

Melatonin supplements happen to be very popular sleeping aids in the US. Its one of the most commonly used supplements (33).

Research shows that a little melatonin supplementation directly boosts the production of Human Growth Hormones (34,35,36).

Being a naturally-occurring hormone, its non-toxic. However, these supplements have been shown to affect brain chemistry, so you should only take them under medical supervision (37).

You should also contact a medical professional before taking these supplements if you are pregnant. One animal study found that melatonin lowers birth weight and increases baby mortality (38).

Arginine is one of the amino acids that boost the synthesis of the Human Growth Hormone (38,39). Arginine-rich foods include:

Many people take arginine supplements to complement their exercises. Thats a mistake. When taken alongside exercise, theres no significant increase in HGH production. You are better off taking the supplement alone (38,39,40).

Per recent research, higher doses, 1520 grams of Arginine per day boosts nighttime HGH production by up by about 60 percent. Thats the equivalent of taking 114 mg per pound of body weight. Lower doses, 610 grams per day, about 45 mg for every pound in body-weight, didnt show any significant impact on growth hormone production (41).

If you are looking for something to boost your HGH levels alongside exercise, take sport drinks. They are rich in beta-alanine, which boosts growth hormone levels, and its been documented to double your peak workout power (42).

Protein shakes are also an option if you want an HGH-friendly supplement to complement exercise. These shakes boost the secretion of Growth Hormones around workouts (43).

Glutamine is a potent amino acid that has been shown to increase HGH production even at small doses, significantly. A 2 mg dose has been documented to boost GH secretion by up to 78 percent (44).

Glutamine-rich foods include:

Ornithine is one of the amino acids responsible for protein synthesis and muscle mass (45). Research has shown that people who take ornithine about half an hour after working out experience increased HGH synthesis (46).

Foods rich in ornithine include:

All forms of exercise will increase your levels of Human Growth Hormone, but high-intensity activity produces the most significant boosts (46,47). Theres no universal session duration, but workouts typically last about an hour. Weight training, sprinting, and interval training have shown a lot of promise increasing HGH levels (48,49,50).

The benefits of exercise extend beyond short-term spurts in Human Growth Hormone. In the long-term, it will help you cut down your body fat, increasing GH production (27,29).

HGH levels increase by about 300 percent when you fast for 3 days. After fasting for a week, HGH secretion is at 1,250 percent (51). These results have been replicated in other studies with researchers observing a doubling or tripling of HGH levels just 23 days into a fast (52,53,54).

The trick is to find the right balance between when to eat and when to fast.

Intermittent fasting impacts HGH secretion both in the short-term and in the long-term. In the short-term, fasting keeps your insulin low. Since this hormone is associated with low GH levels, keeping it low boosts HGH production (23,55).

In the long-term, it lowers your body fat, resulting in a long-term boost in growth hormone production(23,56).

HGH, a hormone produced in the pituitary gland, is vital for cell repair and other essential metabolic functions. Its production typically peaks when we are deep asleep (SWS).

Like other hormones, its greatly influenced by body fat. Mind your lifestyle and diet.

By following the outlined tips, you can increase GH production to optimal levels with very little effort. The endocrine systemthe system that regulates growth hormonesperforms at its peak when you eat and live healthily.

If you want to learn more about HGH, you can read our articles about the benefits of hgh and the best hgh supplements out there.

Originally posted here:

How to Boost Human Growth Hormone (HGH) Naturally

Over 40? How to Look Younger Forever, Say Experts Eat This Not That – Eat This, Not That

Age 40 isn't what it used to be. Today, people are looking and feeling younger at an age that used to be considered over the hill. But there is a biological reality that can't be ignored: After 40, certain health risks increase. And some of us compound the natural aging process with unwise everyday habits. The good news: You can make some easy lifestyle changes that will keep you feeling young for decades beyond your 40s. Read on to find out moreand to ensure your health and the health of others, don't miss these Sure Signs You've Already Had COVID.

When you work out, don't skip strength training. Not only does it boost metabolism by promoting lean muscle growth, it keeps bones strong. By age 40, our bone density drops by about 1 percent annually. Weight training causes muscles to pull on nearby bones, which increases their density. Studies show that even light weight lifting with higher reps can have that effect. Experts recommend two strength-training workouts per week.

After age 40, the chances of developing certain chronic diseases rise, including obesity, heart disease, diabetes, and dementia. Cutting back on sources of added sugar in your dietparticularly sugar-sweetened drinks, refined grains, processed foods and fast foodcan reduce your risk of every one of them. "Added sugar is the number one most significant health threat in America," says David Zinczenko, best-selling author of Zero Sugar Diet. "The more added sugar that sneaks its way into your diet, the less healthy food you'll eat the rest of the day. And the faster you will age."

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Can sex make you look five to seven years younger? That's the finding of a British psychologist who spent a decade interviewing people about their sex lives. Study participants between the ages of 40 and 50 who looked younger than their peers reported having sex 50 percent more often, reported Dr. David Weeks. The potential reason: Orgasm releases human growth hormone and stimulates other biological processes that keep you looking and feeling young.

Mental health issues like anxiety and depression can surface with age, even in people who never experienced it in their younger years. Signs can be subtleif you're experiencing increased irritability, fatigue, or impaired sleep, talk with your doctor.

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A study published last spring in the journal Aging found it was possible to reduce biological age by three years in eight weeks by making some simple diet and lifestyle changes. That's what researchers found in a test group who consumed a largely plant-based diet with a probiotic supplement, exercised for at least 30 minutes daily, did relaxation exercises, and slept at least seven hours a night. The scientists found that the study participants' DNA became 3.23 years younger, on average, after only two months. And to get through this pandemic at your healthiest, don't miss these 35 Places You're Most Likely to Catch COVID.

Go here to read the rest:

Over 40? How to Look Younger Forever, Say Experts Eat This Not That - Eat This, Not That

USD 17.67 bn Growth in Injection Pen Market Size | AstraZeneca Plc and Becton Dickinson and Co. Among Key Vendors | Technavio – PRNewswire

The injection pen market witnessed maximum growth in the growth hormone product segment in 2020. Based on geography, North America occupied about 44% of the market share in 2020. The growth of the market in North America can be attributed to factors such as the increasing incidence of diabetes.

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Report Coverage


Page number


Base year


Forecast period


Growth momentum & CAGR

Decelerate at a CAGR of 7.40%

Market growth 2021-2025

USD 17.67 billion

Market structure


YoY growth (%)


Regional analysis

North America, Europe, Asia, and ROW

Performing market contribution

North America at 44%

Key consumer countries

US, China, Canada, Germany, and UK

Competitive landscape

Leading companies, competitive strategies, consumer engagement scope

Companies profiled

AstraZeneca Plc, Becton Dickinson and Co., Eli Lilly and Co., F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd., Merck KGaA, Novartis AG, Novo Nordisk AS, Owen Mumford Ltd., Sanofi SA, and Ypsomed Holding AG

Market Dynamics

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USD 17.67 bn Growth in Injection Pen Market Size | AstraZeneca Plc and Becton Dickinson and Co. Among Key Vendors | Technavio - PRNewswire

Sue Perkins health: ‘I’ve been through a very dark time’ – presenter on brain tumour – Daily Express

The comedy actress, broadcaster and writer who is appearing on ITV's Blankety Blank tonight [Saturday, November 27] was left destroyed when she found out that she had a brain tumour. After medical examinations, the star was told that doctors had found a tiny little rice-shaped tumour in her pituitary gland which was going to make a big difference on her life.

Considering the impact the diagnosis had on her, Sue remembers every detail about how, when and where she was told about her tumour.

She said that she was in a very clinical white sideroom whilst filming the Supersizers - a show that tracks the impact of eating unusual food.

She continued to say: In this small, very clinical white side room, this woman said your bloods are very awry and you have a brain tumour.

The Mayo Clinic explains that pituitary tumours are abnormal growths. There are two types of tumor - ones that produce hormones (secreting), and ones that do not (non-secreting).


The pituitary gland is crucial in regulating important functions within the body, and abnormalities within hormones can cause multiple side effects.

Cancer.netexplains that some people do not experience any signs or symptoms of a tumour, but those who do often experience the following:

More seriously, individuals can experience either Cushings syndrome a combination of weight gain, high blood pressure, diabetes, and easy bruising that is caused by overproduction of the hormone ACTH or a condition known as acromegaly, which is the enlargement of the arms or legs, and thickening of the skull and jaw, caused by too much growth hormone.

For Sue, the worst thing that she has had to come to terms with is the possibility that she may never have children. With infertility being one of the symptoms, as well as hormone imbalance, the star soon discovered that giving birth may not be something she ever gets to experience.

Eye tests and blood tests are both ways in which tumours are detected. According to Cancer Research UK, around eight percent of brain tumours diagnosed between 2006 and 2010 were pituitary tumours.

Despite sounding severe, most pituitary tumors do not require treatment. Surgery is only carried out when the tumour is large in size, is growing rapidly, is pressing on the optic nerve, or is overproducing certain hormones.

Due to the tricky location of the tumour, the abnormal growth is either removed through the nose and sinuses, or through the upper part of the skull via an incision in the scalp.

After surgery, individuals may have to have a series of radiation therapy in order to stop the tumour from returning. Macmillan cancer support can be reached on 080 8808 0000 if you or someone you know needs support with a recent brain tumour diagnosis.

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Sue Perkins health: 'I've been through a very dark time' - presenter on brain tumour - Daily Express

Alex Rodriguez Appears On Hall Of Fame Ballot For First Time, And His Candidacy Is Certain To Spark Debate – Forbes

Alex Rodriguez (c.) outside of Major League Baseball's Park Avenue offices during his 2013 ... [+] arbitration hearing.

Alex Rodriguez appeared on ESPNs First Take program in January 2019, after three of his former baseball teammates Mike Mussina, Mariano Rivera and Edgar Martinez had just been elected to the Baseball Hall of Fame.

During the interview, Rodriguez was grilled by host Max Kellerman about the performance-enhancing drug issue, which has, so far, kept players like Roger Clemens and home run king Barry Bonds from entry into Cooperstown, and which is an issue certain to cloud Rodriguezs own Hall of Fame chances, as he appears on the ballot for the first time this year.

Ive taken the approach that, I think, talking about it is best, Rodriguez said during the 2019 ESPN interview. I understand that I made my own bed. If I dont make it to the Hall of Fame, I can live with that. I would be bummed. It would suck. I cant believe that I put myself in this situation. But if that happens, I have no one to blame but myself.

Rodriguezs checkered baseball past will be at the forefront of the baseball writers minds when they consider A-Rods Hall of Fame candidacy. Rodriguez, 46, may have appeared contrite in that 2019 interview, but his past steroid mea culpas have been all over the spectrum, and his PED links make for a complicated layer to his baseball arc.

Unlike Clemens and Bonds, Rodriguez was suspended during his MLB-playing days, and his discipline came as a result of violating both the Joint Drug Prevention and Treatment Program and the Basic Agreement. But even before he served that season-long ban in 2014, Rodriguez had already admitted to PED use during another stretch of his career.

Former Senator George Mitchells report on Major League Baseballs doping history had just been released publicly only days earlier when journalist Katie Couric interviewed Rodriguez for 60 Minutes in December 2007. Of the dozens of players named in the Mitchell Report with PED links including Clemens and Andy Pettitte Rodriguezs name was nowhere to be found.

For the record, have you ever used steroids, human growth hormone or any other performance-enhancing substance? Couric asked Rodriguez during the interview.

No, said Rodriguez, who was playing for the Yankees then.

Have you ever been tempted to use any of those things? Couric asked Rodriguez.

No... Ive never felt overmatched on the baseball field, said Rodriguez.

To say those remarks on camera did not age well would be an understatement. An explosive 2009 Sports Illustrated report detailed Rodriguezs positive drug test in 2003 baseballs survey testing year to determine if a drug-testing policy would be implemented for synthetic testosterone and the anabolic steroid Primobolan.

Rodriguez subsequently told ESPNs Peter Gammons, and then a media throng in Tampa during spring training that year, that he used a banned substance during the three seasons he played for the Texas Rangers, 2001-03, and that his cousin, Yuri Sucart, had personally injected him.

It was such a loosey-goosey era... To be quite honest, I dont know exactly what substance I was guilty of using, Rodriguez told Gammons.

But it would be crystal clear what banned substances Rodriguez was taking during another stretch of his career 2010 to 2012 when he was getting drugs from Anthony Bosch, the Biogenesis mastermind.

Although then baseball commissioner Bud Selig originally hit Rodriguez with an historic 211-game ban in August 2013, A-Rod famously fought the suspension through an arbitration hearing, and also filed a flurry of lawsuits in 2013 and early 2014. After he stormed out of his hearing on the second to last day in November 2013, Rodriguez went on WFAN radio personality Mike Francesas show and proclaimed he shouldnt serve one inning of a suspension.

Lets get that on the record. You say you did not do these PEDs that they are accusing you of doing? Francesa asked Rodriguez.

Youre correct, Mike, said Rodriguez, who also referred to Selig derisively as the man from Milwaukee during the interview.

Those PED denials proved hollow in January 2014, when Rodriguez filed a lawsuit in Manhattan federal court and named MLB, Selig and the Players Association (of which Rodriguez was a member) as defendants, as he continued his fight against the suspension.

Attached to that lawsuit, in an ironic twist, was independent arbitrator Fredric Horowitzs ruling on Rodriguez, where Horowitz reduced the 211-game ban to 162 games plus the 2014 postseason. More importantly, however, the arbitration ruling document contained all of the findings from the MLB investigation into Rodriguezs association with Bosch and the south Florida Biogenesis anti-aging clinic, as well as Rodriguezs specific doping violations and the extent of his PED use.

What was supposed to be a confidential document and information was now public for anyone to review. Rodriguez would eventually drop the lawsuit and accept his suspension, and in late January 2014, Rodriguez signed a partial immunity agreement with federal authorities who were investigating Biogenesis in a separate probe.

Based on the entire record from the arbitration, MLB has demonstrated with clear and convincing evidence there is just cause to suspend Rodriguez for the 2014 season and 2014 postseason for having violated the JDA (Joint Drug Agreement) by the use and/or possession of testosterone, IGF-1 (insulin growth factor) and hGH (human growth hormone) over the course of three years, and for the two attempts to obstruct MLBs investigation described above... reads the conclusion in the arbitration ruling. While this length of suspension may be unprecedented for a MLB player, so is the misconduct he committed.

Unprecedented misconduct is only one part of the Rodriguez baseball profile he has 696 career home runs and over 3,000 hits but it could be the part that writers find too important to push aside when they consider whether to check the box next to Rodriguezs name on the Hall of Fame ballot.

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Alex Rodriguez Appears On Hall Of Fame Ballot For First Time, And His Candidacy Is Certain To Spark Debate - Forbes

HER2-Negative Breast Cancer: Types, Treatments, Outlook – Healthline

Human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2) is a protein thats found on the surface of breast cells. Its normal function is to promote cellular growth and division.

Some breast cancers have higher-than-normal levels of HER2. These are called HER2-positive breast cancers. However, only a low percentage of breast cancers are HER2-positive.

Most breast cancers are HER2-negative. According to the National Cancer Institute (NCI), an estimated 78 percent of breast cancers are HER2-negative and dont produce too much HER2.

Continue reading below as we explore what it means to have HER2-negative breast cancer. Well cover the different HER2-negative subtypes, as well as diagnosis, treatment, and outlook.

HER2-negative breast cancer has a couple of different subtypes. Lets take a look at these now.

In addition to having a HER2 status, breast cancer cells also have a hormone receptor (HR) status. Estrogen and progesterone hormone receptors can be found on breast cancer cells. Its worth noting that these receptors can also be found on healthy breast cells.

A breast cancer is HR-positive when it has receptors for estrogen, progesterone, or both. Estrogen receptor-positive cancers are more common and are estimated to occur in about 75 percent of all breast cancers.

In HR-positive cancers, estrogen or progesterone can bind to the hormone receptors on breast cancer cells, helping to promote their growth and spread. As such, treatments for HR-positive breast cancers often targets hormone receptors.

Overall, HER2-negative, HR-positive breast cancers are the most common subtype of breast cancer. The NCI estimates that between 2014 and 2018, 68 percent of breast cancers in the United States were this subtype.

Its also possible for a breast cancer to be negative for both HER2 and for hormone receptors. A breast cancer thats HER2-negative, HR-negative is called triple-negative breast cancer.

This subtype of breast cancer is less common. The NCI estimates that between the years of 2014 and 2018, only 10 percent of breast cancers were this subtype.

Because triple-negative breast cancer lacks both HER2 and hormone receptors, it doesnt respond to treatments that target these factors. Additionally, it tends to recur more often than other subtypes of breast cancer.

If youve been newly diagnosed with breast cancer, the HER2 status of your tumor will be determined. This is performed on a tissue sample collected from a biopsy or surgery.

HER2 status can be tested in two ways:

Generally speaking, testing HER2 status with FISH can take longer and be more expensive. Because of this, IHC is often used initially. The results of this test are reported as a number value from 0 to 3+:

If a FISH test is done, the results are reported as either positive or negative. A test that comes back FISH negative is considered to be HER2-negative.

The treatment of HER2-negative breast cancer can also depend on HR status. Lets examine some of the potential treatment options for each subtype of HER2-negative breast cancer.

HER2-negative breast cancer thats HR-positive can be treated with hormone therapy. This blocks the actions of hormones, stopping the cancer from growing.

Most of the drugs that are used in hormone therapy target estrogen. Some examples include:

Another way to block the action of estrogen is to reduce or shut down the ovaries activity. This is called ovarian suppression and can be accomplished by:

Some types of targeted therapy may also be used in HER2-negative, HR-positive breast cancer. Targeted therapy drugs bind to specific proteins on or in cancer cells. Some that may be used for this subtype of breast cancer are:

Other potential treatment options for HER2-negative, HR-positive breast cancers include:

Breast cancer thats triple-negative wont respond to some of the treatments used for HER2-negative, HR-positive breast cancer. This includes hormone therapy and many targeted therapies.

As with many breast cancers, the first potential treatment option for this subtype is surgery. This may or may not be followed by radiation therapy to help prevent the cancer from coming back.

If surgery isnt possible or doesnt remove all of the cancer, chemotherapy is the main systemic treatment option for triple-negative breast cancer. Chemotherapy may also be given along with the immunotherapy drug pembrolizumab (Keytruda).

Targeted therapy with PARP inhibitors (olaparib, talazoparib) may be used in people with triple-negative breast cancer and BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutations. This is typically given when cancer hasnt responded to chemotherapy.

Another targeted therapy drug called sacituzumab govitecan (Trodelvy) may be used to treat triple-negative breast cancer that has metastasized, or spread, to other parts of the body.

In addition to HER2 and HR status, there are also several other factors that can impact breast cancer treatment. These include:

Your doctor will take all of these different factors into account when determining what type of treatment to recommend for your individual situation.

HER2-positive breast cancer cells have high levels of HER2 on their surface. This is in contrast to HER2-negative breast cancers, in which cells have low or normal levels of HER2.

The HER2 protein promotes cellular growth. Because of this, HER2-positive breast cancers tend to grow and spread more quickly than other types of breast cancers.

Breast cancers that are HER2-positive also have additional treatment options available. These are targeted therapies that specifically target the HER2 protein on cancer cells.

Its also important to note that some research has found that breast cancers may switch HER2 and HR status over time. This is why its important to reassess these markers if a cancer recurs.

You may be wondering if having HER2-negative breast cancer is better than having HER2-positive breast cancer. Theres no straightforward answer to this question, as both types of breast cancer have their own upsides and downsides.

For example, HER2-positive breast cancer is likely to grow and spread more rapidly. However, it also has many available treatment options, particularly if its also HR-positive.

Meanwhile, HER2-negative breast cancer grows and spreads more slowly than HER2-positive breast cancer. However, it also has less potential treatment options, especially if its HR-negative (triple-negative).

Further, other additional factors besides HER2 and HR status play into breast cancer outlook. Some of these include individual factors like your age and overall health. Other factors that are used in staging are also important, such as:

Cancer survival statistics are typically reported using a 5-year survival rate. This is the percentage of individuals that are still living 5 years after their diagnosis.

Survival rates can vary based off of the subtype of breast cancer that you have. A publication from the American Cancer Society reports 5-year survival rates for HER2-negative breast cancers as:

Keep in mind that HER2 and HR status arent the only factors that can influence outlook. Other important factors at diagnosis include:

The outlook for HER2-negative breast cancer can depend on its HR status. HER2-negative breast cancers that are HR-positive typically have a better outlook than those that are triple-negative.

The stage of the cancer also plays an important role. For example, HER2-negative cancers that are localized to the breast have a better outlook than those that have spread to the lymph nodes or to more distant tissues.

Remember that statistics on outlook or survival are determined based off of the outcomes of a large amount of people with breast cancer over many years. They dont take into account individual factors or very recent advances in treatment.

Your doctor will help you to better understand what your HER2-negative status means for you on an individual level. Dont hesitate to voice any questions or concerns that you may have regarding your diagnosis or treatment options.

Read more:

HER2-Negative Breast Cancer: Types, Treatments, Outlook - Healthline

‘Children of the Corn’ (1984) 4K Review: Arrow Improves On An Already-Strong Release – Dread Central

After IT (2017) steamrolled box office records on its way to becoming the highest-grossing horror film of all time (not adjusted for inflation; The Exorcist (1973) will never be topped in that regard), you had better believe studio heads were (and are) feverishly looking to greenlight every possible Stephen King property for modern audiences. To their advantage, Kings work has famously produced more cinematic duds than classics (like 2017s waste of talent, The Dark Tower), and there are a number of been-done features ripe for a remake. One that I would suggest tackling is Children of the Corn, a 1977 short story King wrote that first appeared in Penthouse (see, sometimes the articles are worth reading). It later found a permanent home in Night Shift, a collection of his shorter works.

In 1984, the story was commissioned for a feature film, with King himself writing the first draft of the script, though it was eventually discarded for a draft done by George Goldsmith. Although the film has a strong cult following and is responsible for spawning nine sequels/remakes/whatever they are, it strays so far from Kings disturbing, dark original story that the property is perfect for reworking. Before anyone says They did that with the 2009 version try watching it again and get back to me.

In the small Midwestern town of Gatlin, Nebraska, all of the local children have fallen under the spell of Isaac (John Franklin), a self-proclaimed prophet who orders the murder of every adult in town (specifically, anyone over the age of 19) as a sacrifice to He Who Walks Behind the Rows. Cut to three years later and Gatlin is a virtual ghost town. Its surrounded by fields of corn and bereft of adult supervision. Burt (Peter Horton) and Vicky (Linda Hamilton) are traveling cross country to Seattle, where newly-minted doctor Burt will begin his practice.

As the couple approaches Gatlin, Burt, distracted while driving, hits a young boy in the road. Closer inspection reveals the boys throat had been cut prior to the accident. Burt and Vicky head to the only service station near town and find an old man (R.G. Armstrong) who implores them to avoid Gatlin and head up the highway to the next town.

Despite the old mans advice, all roads seem to lead to Gatlin. Burt finally relents and enters the city limits. There, he and Vicky meet Job (Robby Kiger) and Sarah (Anne Marie McEvoy), two of the only children in town who refuse to participate in Isaacs bloodshed. Job is adept at sneaking around. But Sarah has the true gift, able to see visions of future events through her dreams. Vicky remains behind with Sarah while Burt heads off into town in search of help. Yet he finds nothing but empty homes and savage youths. The children operate under the ruthless guidance of Malachai (Courtney Gains), Isaacs muscle who is even more sadistic than the diminutive deacon. With Burt off on his own, the children kidnap Vicky as an intended sacrifice to He Who Walks Behind the Rows. This sets up a showdown between Burt and a horde of brainwashed kids.

The original short story got under my skin when I read it twenty years ago or so. There are passages in that little tale that have stuck with me all these years later. King has a way of describing deaths so succinctly, yet also in such a way that your mind ruminates on the methods of dispatch long after you have finished his words. He provides just enough detail to chill, but not so much you feel like youre reading Saw: The Book. Now, dont get me wrong. I like me some 1984 Children of the Corn kids. But part of me has always been a little bummed the film didnt venture into unconventional filmmaking territory.

Linda Hamilton makes her feature debut here, a mere six months before the release of her watershed classic, The Terminator (1984). Of the two leading adults R.G. Armstrong doesnt exactly count, given his one-day-of-shooting role Hamilton emotes and out-acts her beau, Peter Horton, who just falls flat in the leading man category. Hamilton is mostly sidelined until she becomes the typical damsel in distress but she sells the role well enough. Horton has always been too lifeless for me.

The real meaty work in Children of the Corn is done by the kids, especially Franklin and Gains. The sermons given by Franklin are chock full of hellfire and brimstone. They portend unimaginable agony for those who would defy the word of He Who Walks Behind the Rows. Although only a boy of twelve, Franklin looks older (he was 23 at the time of filming, but a growth hormone disorder left him looking and sounding like an adult/child hybrid) and speaks like a seasoned preacher.

His scene chewing is only surpassed by Gains as Malachai, Isaacs right-hand man who is all-too-eager to shed blood. Heres a fun drinking game: take a shot every time Malachai howls Outlander!. Actually, dont because youll probably get alcohol poisoning. Gains, with his brooding looks and fiery red hair, brings a savagery and apathy to Malachai thats helped him endure as one of the films true highlights.

Let me throw some praise over to composer Jonathan Elias, too. His chanting child choir compositions are on par with such celebrated Satanic soundtracks as The Omen (1976) and Rosemarys Baby (1968). Elias is a classically trained musician who began his career in film music by composing for trailers, like Alien (1979). This film was actually the first feature he was tasked to score.

Blame it on nostalgia, but I still have a soft spot for director Fritz Kierschs interpretation of Kings short story all these years later despite its lack of bite and deviation from the superior source material. Maybe its the austere Midwestern setting or just the general notion of a cult of children murdering adults and worshiping some thing that dwells within the cornfield. Speaking of which, that was handled poorly. He Who Walks Behind the Rows turned out to be He Who Looks Like Someone Spilled a Highlighter. Didnt they finally show it in the third film? Fourth? Who can remember? I do have a weakness for 90s horror. Maybe its time to revisit this series forgotten sequels

Coming four years after their remastered in 4K Blu-ray edition, Arrow Video now releases this film on 4K Ultra HD proper. Though the 1.85:1 2160p image is perhaps a bit less impressive this time around because the increase in resolution only further exacerbates the already-heavy film grain. The prior Blu-ray presented Children of the Corn the best it has ever looked. While those improvements do remain here the image doesnt offer much additional eye candy. I noticed an incremental increase in some fine detail (during well-lit scenes) and some of the color saturation seems improved. But by and large, this is such a minor upgrade I would only recommend it for diehard fans or those who never owned the previous Arrow Blu-ray.

Audio options remain the same, with an English LPCM 2.0 stereo or DTS-HD MA 5.1 surround sound track. The film was originally mixed in Dolby. I found the best audible experience came from the stereo track, although the multi-channel isnt a slouch by any means. Effects get a bit more breathing room there but nothing about the expanded audio will impress on a sound system. Jonathan Elias score sounds utterly chilling in lossless, contributing, like, 85% of the films tension. Dialogue comes through clear and free of issues. Subtitles are available in English.


Owners of Arrows 2017 disc may find little reason to upgrade but for newcomers this disc is an easy recommendation, thanks to good-as-it-will-ever-get a/v quality and a long list of solid bonus features. Note: this release contains only a 4K disc and does not have an accompanying Blu-ray.

Categorized: Movie News Reviews

See the original post:

'Children of the Corn' (1984) 4K Review: Arrow Improves On An Already-Strong Release - Dread Central

The Best Nap Length for Babies, According to a Certified Sleep Coach – PureWow

Babies are inscrutable creatures...or at least thats how it feels when it comes to figuring out their sleep needs. Theres the whole sleeping through the night thing, and even if you succeed at that, youve still got naps to contend with. Indeed theres a good chance you will be preoccupied with solving some part of the sleep puzzle for the first year of your childs life (at least), Dont despair, thoughwe spoke to Anna McMillan, a certified sleep coach and owner of Little Winks Sleep, for answers to all your questions about the best nap length for babies and more. Read on and youll have the whole naptime routine down to a science in no time.

Any sleep-deprived mom can confirm that not getting enough shuteye can have a serious impact on a persons overall functioning, and the same is true for babies. That said, adults are more resilient in the face of inadequate sleep than babiesnamely because the latter are developing at such a crazy rate. In fact, sleep is a particularly critical time for a baby, because while their body is at rest, their brain is getting busy. In fact, McMillan says that sleep is when the immune system kicks into gear, the imagination forms, memories are consolidated into short term and long term, and human growth hormone is excreted.

Additionally, the expert tells us that during sleep, adenosinea chemical that naturally builds up during waking hoursis cleared out of the brain. And thats a big deal, because if the build-up [of adenosine] gets too great, then cortisol (the fight/flight/freeze hormone) is released, making it very difficult for the baby to function, says McMillan. Whats more, even a long stretch of nighttime sleep isnt enough to keep a babys adenosine levels in check. Babies have a lower capacity to handle adenosine in their brain. Think of a bathtub, their bathtub fills much quicker than yours or mine, explains McMillan. The takeaway? If you skimp on naps, theres a very high likelihood your baby will start getting all kinds of cranky and may even have difficulty performing basic developmentally-appropriate tasks.

So just how many naps does your baby need? Will a 20-minute cat nap cut it, or should you be aiming for a marathon snooze? According to McMillan, the number and length of naps depends on the age of the baby. From birth to six weeks of age, babies should be taking between four and six naps per day. That number drops to three or four naps pers day from six to twelve weeks of age. As for length, McMillan says that for babies less than 12 weeks old, pretty much anything goes, so you can expect both short and long naps, anywhere from 20 minutes to three hours. The one caveat: Dont let your baby nap for more than three hours, as this might result in day/night confusion.

The nap situation changes slightly once the newborn days are in the rearview and sleep starts to become more consolidated. For 3- to 6-month-olds, three naps will suffice; 6 to 9-month-olds can get by with two or three naps per day, and 9- to 12-month-olds can bid the third nap adieu and stick to two naps per day. As you can see, the number of daily naps required tapers down gradually as your baby develops. The same rule applies from three to 12 months of age when it comes to nap length, though: The goal is to have naps that are at least one hour and no more than two, says McMillan.

Now lets talk about timing. The task of scheduling up to six naps in a single day is enough to make anyones head spin and to make things even more complicated, a nap attempt that happens too soon or too long after the last snooze is likely to fail. To avoid this scenario, its important to have some knowledge of wake window (i.e., the ideal length of time (for their age) that baby is awake in between naps) your babys sleep schedule will fall into place far easier. The good news is that some poor soul did the work of figuring out ideal wake windows for you, so all you have to do is reference this handy chart and remember to watch the clock.

Forgot to check the time when your baby woke up from a nap (or checked the time and just forgot to remember it cause youre functioning on precious little sleep yourself)? No biggie. While the best and simplest method for scheduling naps is simply to go by the clock, there are also cues you can look for to determine when your baby is in need of a midday snooze. According to McMillan these cues vary from child to child, but some common ones include nuzzling, loss of interest in activity, pulling on ears and red eyebrows. (Weird, right?)

RELATED: The Best Baby Monitors for Your Nursery

See the original post:

The Best Nap Length for Babies, According to a Certified Sleep Coach - PureWow

Nurse shortage the reason for temporary service reductions at HGH – The Review Newspaper

Mandatory COVID-19 vaccination for Hawkesbury and District General Hospital (HGH) employees is not the reason for temporary reductions of certain services at the facility says a spokesperson for the hospital.

On November 1, the HGH announced that Perioperative Services (operating rooms) and the Family Birthing Centre would be operating at 50 per cent capacity. Other inpatient care and outpatient services will continue to operate at planned service levels.

According to HGH Community Relations CoordinatordithJean-Louis, as of November 8, 100 per cent of HGH physicians and 96 per cent of other hospital staff were vaccinated against COVID-19. The shortage of nurses at the hospital is an extension of a present worldwide situation.

Issues such as retirements, fatigue, burnout, and nurses leaving hospital staff to work on pandemic-related measures are the reasons for the shortage. Jean-Louis stated that 18 HGH nurses have left for those reasons.

HGH administration is monitoring the staffing situation so a decision may be made to resume activities at a full capacity as soon as possible.

HGH continues to actively recruit to fill the vacancies, Jean Louis said.

Surgeries and procedures being postponed and the decrease in the Family Birthing Centre activities are being selected on a set of clear criteria, including an ethical framework and consideration of the healthcare needs of the patients. The hospital is notifying patients directly affected by reductions in services. Anyone requiring urgent care is urged to go to the Emergency Department.

Jean-Louis said there are no plans to close theFamily Birthing Centre at HGH.

Read more from the original source:

Nurse shortage the reason for temporary service reductions at HGH - The Review Newspaper