Health Beat: NEC in preemies | Health Beat | – 69News WFMZ-TV

CHICAGO Two-year-old Sam Luce is right on target, which is amazing, considering he was born three months premature.

"Sam was born just under two and a half pounds," says his father, Ben Luce.

"It's hard to describe the size," said his mother, Maureen Luce.

"Day four was the first time we ever got to hold him," Ben added.

Sam was suffering from necrotizing enterocolitis, or NEC. It causes intestinal tissue to die.

"They suddenly develop abdominal distention, feeding intolerance, bloody stool, and they may develop signs of shock," explained Dr. Isabelle De Plaen, a neonatologist and professor of pediatrics at the Lurie Children's Hospital of Chicago.

Doctors are not sure what causes it, but neonatologists at Lurie Children's Hospital found that the decreased development of tiny blood vessels in the intestines could be caused by lower levels of a particular growth hormone. By injecting mice with this growth hormone, they were able to stop the infection.

"We could find and design therapy that could prevent NEC so babies would no longer need to suffer from this disease," De Plaen said.

Just five days after birth, Sam had two inches of his intestine removed. After 151 days in the NICU, he was finally well enough to go home. Now, he keeps his big brother Jack on the run.

"It just blows my mind," Maureen said. "He has met all of his milestones, developmentally. He's super social, a loving, fun, stubborn two-year-old."

Doctors hope these new insights will open the door to developing novel, new treatments that could promote healthy intestine development in premature babies.

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Health Beat: NEC in preemies | Health Beat | - 69News WFMZ-TV

7 Everyday Foods To Avoid For Healthy Skin – Evie Magazine

The foods you eat play a significant role in the health of your skin, so it's important to be aware of which foods can cause skin problems. While different foods affect everyone differently, there are some that are more likely to cause skin problems than others. So if you're struggling with skin problems such as frequent breakouts, eczema, psoriasis, and rosacea, consider avoiding the following seven foods:

Sugar is one of the main reasons your skin starts showing premature signs of aging and develops inflammatory conditions such as acne. The effect of sugar on the skin was first observed when a group of researchers noticed that people with diabetes also tended to develop wrinkles and other age-related skin problems at an earlier age.

Sugar damages your skin through a natural process called glycation, which basically means that sugar molecules attach themselves to and damage proteins in your body, including collagen and elastin, which are the main skin-supporting components responsible for keeping your skin smooth, plump, and elastic.

Sugar doesn't stop there; it also increases the levels of inflammation in your body, which can further lead to skin problems such as acne. This is because insulin, the hormone responsible for regulating blood sugar levels, also plays a role in regulating the levels of androgens, which are the hormones that can contribute to increased oil production, pore-clogging, and acne.

Therefore, if you want to keep your skin youthful and healthy and not have to deal with stubborn conditions such as acne, it's important to limit your sugar intake and be more mindful of the sweet foods you're consuming on a daily basis.

Well, its not technically food, but coffee is still a big part of what many of us consume daily and something that might not be the best for our skin health. For one, coffee is a mild diuretic, which means it makes the body excrete more fluid, which can, in some cases, lead to dehydration, and this can show on the skin by making it appear dull, dry, and sallow.

However, the more significant concern of consuming too much coffee is the part where it triggers our hormones to produce a stress reaction. Caffeine causes neural excitation in the brain, which the pituitary gland perceives as an emergency and stimulates the adrenal glands to release adrenaline, a stress hormone that makes us more awake, alert, and ready to fight or flee. Coffee actually stresses our body to give us a false sense of energy by stimulating our stress hormones, which can be a problem for the skin because these hormones influence the skin's inflammatory response.

Consuming too much coffee triggers our hormones to produce a stress reaction.

So, what does that mean? When our stress hormones are activated, they can cause inflammation in the skin, leading to inflammatory conditions such as breakouts, hives, rashes, eczema and psoriasis flare-ups, and even slowing down the skin's ability to heal itself after an injury. So if you're struggling with any inflammatory skin condition, it might be worth cutting back on coffee or at least trying to switch to healthier caffeine alternatives that will give you a similar effect of awakeness and alertness without the damage, such as green tea.

Dairy alone might not be the direct cause of skin problems, but it can contribute to a few of them in different ways. Dairy contains high levels of growth hormones and insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), both of which can stimulate the skin's oil glands to produce more "unhealthy" oil that doesn't have a good balance of fatty acids, lipids, and antibacterial components, and can become hardened inside the pores, which can then lead to clogging and acne.

Additionally, dairy is often linked to intolerances and allergies, which can also cause skin problems such as hives, rashes, and allergic reactions. However, the research in this area is still far from conclusive, and while some people may have dramatic improvements in their skin after cutting out dairy, it all boils down to how our individual system reacts to dairy and how our body deals with potentially inflammatory compounds found in dairy.

While some professionals point out that the dairy we have access to today can be problematic because of the artificial hormones cows are being treated with that affect their milk supply, this can still be ruled out as a case-by-case issue. Therefore, if youre dealing with some skin conditions that might be triggered by dairy, consider experimenting with a dairy-free diet or switching to raw milk for a few weeks to see if there's any improvement.

Refined grains are a group of foods that have been stripped of their natural nutrients, fiber, and germs during the processing stage. They include white flour, white rice, pastries, cakes, and biscuits, and these can potentially lead to gut issues that can then transfer to the skin.

The main problem with refined grains is that they're high on the glycemic index, which means they raise our blood sugar levels quite rapidly. And as we already mentioned above, when our blood sugar levels spike, it causes a release of insulin, which is a hormone that helps regulate our blood sugar levels. When too much insulin is released too rapidly in our system, it can cause inflammation, which can then show up on our skin in the form of breakouts, eczema, psoriasis, and even accelerated aging.

So refined grains are another thing you might want to consider cutting back on, at least for some time, as this would give you an indication of whether or not your skin is reacting to them.

Seed oils have become quite a popular topic among nutritionists, health experts, and Twitter fitness connoisseurs over the past couple of years. And while there is a ridiculous number of opposing opinions on whether or not seed oils are good or bad for our health, the general consensus seems to be that they're not as healthy as we once thought they were.

Some of the most popular seed oils include canola oil, sunflower oil, and soybean oil, and these are often used in processed foods as a cheap alternative to other oils. The main problem with seed oils is that they're high in omega-6 fatty acids, which are essential for our health but only in the right balance. Our body needs a delicate balance of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids to function optimally, and because the Western diet is not only deprived of omega-3 but also high in omega-6, it's not that hard to notice the culprit behind the increase in inflammatory conditions and diseases that show up on our skin in the form of breakouts, eczema, psoriasis, and even accelerated aging.

In fact, many people are convinced that seed oil consumption can actually make your skin more susceptible to sunburns, which hasn't been proven yet, but it's not a farfetched thought, considering that seed oils attack our immune cells, which are responsible for skin repair.

Our body needs a delicate balance of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids to function optimally.

If you're struggling with some inflammatory skin conditions, it's a good idea to limit your seed oil intake and incorporate more omega-3-rich foods into your diet. A good place to start is a Mediterranean diet, as it generally has a healthier balance between omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. And some studies show that people who follow a Mediterranean-style diet are less likely to develop heart disease and cognitive decline.

Much like dairy, spicy food can be considered a trigger food for some people, and it seems to be a largely case-by-case basis due to how our body digests capsaicin, which is the main compound that gives hot peppers that spicy kick. When capsaicin comes into contact with our gut, it activates the transient receptor potential vanilloid type 1 (TRPV1), which is a protein responsible for the sensation of heat, pain, and itchiness.

And while this might not seem like a big deal at first, it can actually lead to some gut issues, such as inflammation, which can then show up on our skin in the form of breakouts, eczema, psoriasis, and even more permanent conditions such as rosacea.

But despite this, not everyone who eats spicy food will experience gut issues, and it seems to be a largely individualized response. So the best way to figure out whether this might be the case with your skin is to monitor your skin conditions after eating spicy food and see if any flare-ups can help you conclude that this particular food group isn't suitable for you.

Predominantly found in margarine, fried fast-food, shop-bought baked goods, some microwave popcorn, packaged snacks, vegetable shortening, ready-to-use dough, and coffee creamers (both dairy and non-dairy), trans fats are one of the unhealthiest fats you can consume.

They're created when manufacturers treat vegetable oils with a process called hydrogenation, which gives the oils a longer shelf life and makes them more solid at room temperature. But this process also changes the chemical structure of the fats, and as a result, they become more difficult for our body to break down.

Trans fats have been shown to increase the risk of heart disease, stroke, and type 2 diabetes, and they can also contribute to inflammation. And while the link between trans fats and inflammatory skin conditions like acne isn't as straightforward as with some other foods on this list, it's safe to say that they're not doing our skin any favors. So, if you want to keep your skin healthy, it's best to steer clear of foods that contain trans fats and instead focus on incorporating more healthy fats into your diet, such as mono and polyunsaturated fats from sources like olive oil, fish, meat, nuts, and seeds.

While there's no magic diet that will fix all your skin issues, making some simple tweaks by avoiding trigger foods can definitely help improve the overall health of your skin. Of course, everyone is different, so it's important to pay attention to how your skin reacts to certain foods and make adjustments accordingly. But in general, following a diet rich in vegetables, fruits, healthy fats, and lean protein and avoiding processed foods, sugary drinks, and excessive amounts of dairy and spice is a good place to start if you want clear and healthy skin.

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7 Everyday Foods To Avoid For Healthy Skin - Evie Magazine

Targeted Therapy to Treat Cancer – The Epoch Times

For some types of cancer, such as chronic myelogenous leukemia (also known as CML), most people with that cancer will have a target for a certain drug, so they can be treated with that drug. But most of the time, your tumor will need to be tested to see if it contains targets for which there is a drug.

Testing your cancer for targets that could help choose your treatment is called biomarker testing. SeeBiomarker Testing for Cancer Treatmentfor more information.

You may need to have a biopsy for biomarker testing. A biopsy is a procedure in which your doctor removes a piece of the tumor for testing. There are some risks to having a biopsy. These risks vary depending on the size of the tumor and where it is located. Your doctor will explain the risks of having a biopsy for your type of tumor.

Most types of targeted therapyhelp treat cancer by interfering with specific proteins that help tumors grow and spread throughout the body. This is different from chemotherapy, which often kills all cells that grow and divide quickly. The following explains the different ways that targeted therapy treats cancer.

One reason that cancer cells thrive is because they can hide from your immune system. Certain targeted therapies can mark cancer cells so it is easier for the immune system to find and destroy them. Other targeted therapies help boost your immune system to work better against cancer. Learn more aboutimmunotherapy to treat cancer.

Healthy cells in your body usually divide to make new cells only when they receive strong signals to do so. These signals bind to proteins on the cell surface, telling the cells to divide. This process helps new cells form only as your body needs them. But, some cancer cells have changes in the proteins on their surface that tell them to divide whether or not signals are present. Some targeted therapies interfere with these proteins, preventing them from telling the cells to divide. This process helps slow cancers uncontrolled growth.

To grow beyond a certain size, tumors need to form new blood vessels in a process calledangiogenesis. The tumor sends signals that start angiogenesis. Some targeted therapies calledangiogenesis inhibitorsinterfere with these signals to prevent a blood supply from forming. Without a blood supply, tumors stay small. Or, if a tumor already has a blood supply, these treatments can cause blood vessels to die, which causes the tumor to shrink. Learn more aboutangiogenesis inhibitors.

Some monoclonal antibodies are combined with cell-killing substances such astoxins,chemotherapydrugs, orradiation. Once these monoclonal antibodies attach to targets on the surface of cancer cells, the cells take up the cell-killing substances, causing them to die. Cells that dont have the target will not be harmed.

Healthy cells die in an orderly manner when they become damaged or are no longer needed. But, cancer cells have ways of avoiding this dying process. Some targeted therapies can cause cancer cells to go through this process of cell death, which is called apoptosis.

Some breast and prostate cancers require certain hormones to grow. Hormone therapies are a type of targeted therapy that can work in two ways. Some hormone therapies prevent your body from making specific hormones. Others prevent the hormones from acting on your cells, including cancer cells. Learn more abouthormone therapy for prostate cancerandhormone therapy for breast cancer.

Targeted therapydoes have some drawbacks.

When targeted therapy was first developed, scientists thought that it would be less toxic than chemotherapy. But they have learned that targeted therapy can also cause serious side effects. The side effects that you may have depends on the type of targeted therapy you receive and how your body reacts to it.

The most common side effects of targeted therapy includediarrheaand liver problems. Other side effects might include

Very rarely, a hole might form through the wall of the esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large bowel, rectum, or gallbladder.

There are medicines for many of these side effects. These medicines may prevent the side effects from happening or treat them once they occur.

Most side effects of targeted therapy go away after treatment ends.

Learn more aboutside effects caused by cancer treatmentand ways to manage them.

What can I expect when having targeted therapy?

Small-molecule drugs are pills or capsules that you can swallow.

Monoclonal antibodies are usually given through a needle in a blood vein.

Where you go for treatment depends on which drugs you are getting and how they are given. You may take targeted therapy at home. Or you may receive targeted therapy in a doctors office, clinic, or outpatient unit in a hospital. Outpatient means you do not spend the night in the hospital.

How often and how long you receive targeted therapy depends on

You may have treatment every day, every week, or every month. Some targeted therapies are given in cycles. A cycle is a period of treatment followed by a period of rest. The rest period gives your body a chance to recover and build new healthy cells.

While you are receiving targeted therapy, you will see your doctor often. He or she will give youphysical examsand ask you how you feel. You will have medical tests, such as blood tests,x-rays, and different types ofscans. These regular visits and tests will help the doctor know whether the treatment is working.

Clinical trials of targeted therapy and other cancer treatments take place in cities and towns across the United States and throughout the world. They take place in doctors offices, cancer centers, medical centers, community hospitals and clinics, and veteran and military hospitals.

Targeted Therapy to Treat Cancerwas originally published by the National Cancer Institute.

Originally posted here:

Targeted Therapy to Treat Cancer - The Epoch Times

Livestock bred with growth promoters unhealthy for consumption Prof Adetunji – Punch Newspapers

A professor of Veterinary Public Health at the University of Ibadan, Victoria Adetunji, speaks to OLUFEMI OLANIYI about her career, family and related issues

What other roles do you perform at the university apart from teaching?

I am currently the Chairperson of Animal Use and Care Ethics Committee and I also coordinate the University of Ibadan COVID-19 Emergency Response Committee. My current research activities on containment of antimicrobial resistance, a global public health problem, earned me the position of the Chairperson of Fleming Alumni Network, with the objective of creating further opportunities for fellows, supporting and sustaining the main Fleming objective of antimicrobial resistance containment in all participating regions/countries internationally.

Why did you study Veterinary Medicine knowing full well that many students prefer human medicine?

I grew up on a university campus in northern Nigeria where I was influenced by my fathers part-time livestock-keeping activities. We kept pigs and poultry in our compound at the university, and veterinary doctors used to come and treat the animals. This stimulated my interest and prompted me to study Veterinary Medicine.

Were there challenges on your way when you started as a vet student?

I had challenges especially at the 200 level. There seemed to be a very wide gap from 100 level to 200 level, having to tackle very voluminous courses like veterinary anatomy, physiology, biochemistry etc. I stabilised by the clinical year with consistency in reading. I remembered reading five hours daily.

Were you scared of touching or going close to any animal?

Not at all, mainly because I had experienced caring for animals from a very young age.

How are you coping with your job as a lecturer with family demands?

It was very demanding when my children were still young. However, what helped me was apportioning time and prioritising both my career and family activities. I keep a diary where I highlight my to-do list daily, so I dont lag behind on any. I attend to the most difficult issues first.

Do you think women are better managers?

I believe an emotionally stable woman will be a better manager, most especially with the added advantage of women being able to multitask in addition to their God-given ability for empathy.

As Chairperson of COVID-19 committee in UI, what were you able to achieve as a committee?

We raised support for the empowerment of the University Health Services (UHS, Jaja Clinic) by requesting aid from the Oyo State Government for vaccination of all willing individuals in the university community as well as providing access to testing and links to government task forces for COVID-19. Also, the committee facilitated the strengthening of the biosafety and biosecurity measures of UHS and the UI-COVID Task Force. Through the efforts of the committee, the Oyo State Government provided sanitisers, face masks, Personal Protective Equipment and thermometers.

Containment of the pandemic was achieved by issuing frequent communiqus to the university community and conducting on-site inspection of hotspots, such as churches, business centres, car packs, etc, for compliance monitoring. Additional measures were partial lockdown and social distancing at the zoological and botanical gardens, museums, sports and presentation venues, worship and commercial centres, in compliance with state, national and international directives; hand washing and sanitisation at the school gates and at the entrances to homes, offices and other public spaces within the university community. The committee also actively decontaminated high-risk areas and areas where positive COVID-19 cases had been detected. The committee was inspired to provide face masks to the low-income communities at the University of Ibadan and its immediate environs. This was executed with financial support from the university management.

To ensure a better coverage and impact of the committees activities, a GIS expert was invited to delineate the University of Ibadan and the University College using GIS mapping and also to create a GIS platform for real-time reporting by the task force supervisors.

The COVID-19 Task Force, an arm of the committee, was inaugurated on September 16, 2021. The task force supervisors were selected across the whole university with proper representation of all units for proper coverage. The COVID-19 Task Force Supervisors were saddled directly with monitoring and reporting of peoples compliance with COVID-19 preventive guidelines. This task force was trained and financially motivated for one month activities by the management at the critical stage of the pandemic to support data and mobility. The platform is accessible.

Many Nigerians are scared of taking COVID-19 vaccines. What do you think is the reason for this?

Myths about the vaccine are the major reasons. For example, one of the myths is that the natural immunity I get from being sick with COVID-19 is better than the immunity I get from COVID-19 vaccination. Also, there was speculation that the vaccine contained microchips for tracking people. These speculations/myths are not true. The fact remains that COVID-19 vaccination is a safer and more dependable way to build immunity to COVID-19 than getting sick with COVID-19. It has also been proven to reduce the impact of the disease in case of an infection.

COVID-19 infections recently increased; what do you think caused this?

The likely reasons behind the new surge could be due to a relaxation of the COVID-19 preventive protocols. We have had very low incidence rates due to herd immunity and vaccination uptake, which was the reason for the relaxation. However, I would emphasise the need for adhering to the COVID-19 protocols as a new normal.

Are there vaccines for monkeypox and marburg?

Monkeypox is a viral infection caused by the monkeypox virus. Its milder, less serious, relative to the virus that causes smallpox. If youve been exposed to it, within three weeks youll notice flu-like symptoms along with a rash that might look like pimples or a blister.

Theres no specific treatment or cure for monkeypox. Some smallpox vaccines can prevent monkeypox, including the ACAM2000 and Jynneos vaccines. These vaccines can be used to prevent monkeypox because smallpox and monkeypox are caused by related viruses. Health care providers may suggest that people who have been exposed to monkeypox get vaccinated.

The filoviruses, Ebola virus and Marburg virus are among the most dangerous pathogens in the world. Both viruses cause viral haemorrhagic fever, with case fatality rates of up to 90 per cent. Historically, filovirus outbreaks has been relatively small, with only a few hundred cases reported. However, the recent West African Ebola virus outbreak underscored the threat that filoviruses pose. The three year-long outbreaks resulted in 28,646 Ebola virus infections and 11,323 deaths. The lack of food and drug administration-licensed vaccines and antiviral drugs hindered early efforts to contain the outbreak. In response, the global scientific community has spurred the advanced development of many filovirus vaccine candidates. Some vaccine candidates are under clinical trials

Sex with dogs and other animals appears to be on the increase. Can this also lead to increase in rate of diseases transmitted from animals to humans?

Animals incubate diseases which are zoonotic, transmissible to man. We have research evidence that also confirm transmission of some pathogens from humans to animals. Bestiality activities will definitely increase zoonotic diseases if not curbed.

Nigerians buy cows and other animals raised by herdsmen who are constantly on the move for parties and these animals are usually not certified fit for human consumption by experts. Do you think there is a danger in this?

Slaughtering of food animals is to be done at designated abattoirs and slaughter slabs all over the country. Veterinarians have, as their professional role, the responsibility of doing both ante-mortem and post-mortem inspections. Animals incubating some certain diseases like anthrax identified during ante-mortem should not even be slaughtered at all. Doing otherwise will contaminate the environment and expose more people to this pathogen. At post-mortem, judgment by the veterinarian is either partial condemnation or complete condemnation in case of a generalised tuberculous lesion, for instance. Uninspected and uncertified carcasses and tissue pose very grave public health consequence, with the unsuspecting consumers at risk.

Do you suggest ranching to open grazing and what are the health benefits especially to humans?

Of great benefit to humans is the production of healthier animals. The ranching system will enable the cattle to be well-fed and receive maximum health attention from veterinarians. The system also prevents, to a large extent hazards that could affect their health. Stress from continuous trekking is avoided, thereby affording the build-up of the mass of meat and more milk production. Opportunities for genetic modifications of local breeds to produce cows that will adapt to the Nigerian environment are also associated with ranching. On the other hand, the open grazing does not afford these opportunities. Furthermore, the animals are predisposed to respiratory tract infections like the Foot and Mouth Disease because of moisture and humidity in the South. Open grazing also exposes the animals to infection due to unguarded contacts between animals from different sources at watering and feeding points, thus potentiating disease transmission among the animals and to humans.

Although ranching system comes with the responsibility of provision of social amenities and support for herdsmen, it is the way to go.

There are injections given to livestock to make them bigger. What is the effect of this on human being who consume animals injected with this drug?

These injections are called growth promoters or hormones. Pituitary Growth Hormone has considerable potential as performance enhancing drug that increase muscle mass (an anabolic agent) in animal production. Animals treated with GH will grow faster (i.e. deposit protein), require less feed per unit of body weight gain, and will have less carcass fat than untreated animals. The hormone residues in meat results into adverse effect on human health, such as disrupt in human hormone balance, causing developmental problems, interfering with the reproductive system and can even lead to the development of breast, prostate or colon cancer. Antimicrobials are also used by farmers for growth promotion effects by adding them to feedstuffs at a dose lower than the therapeutic dose. Induction of resistant bacteria/microbes and the disruption of normal human intestinal flora are major concerns of human health from antimicrobial growth promoters. This practice is an abuse of drug and should be discouraged.

What are the roles of veterinary medicine in public health?

The aspect of Veterinary Medicine that addresses public health is Veterinary Public Health. The World Health Organisation defines VPH as the sum of all contributions to the physical, mental and social well-being of humans through an understanding and application of veterinary science. Thus, the veterinary profession contributes to the improvement of human and public health by improving agriculture and food systems, advancing biomedical and comparative medical research, preventing and addressing zoonotic diseases, enhancing environmental and ecosystem health, and helping to manage global public health challenges.

Veterinary Public Health experts are key competent stakeholders in preventive medicine, population health (both animal health and human health), parasitology, zoonoses, and epidemiology, among others. Tackling major zoonotic disease outbreaks and trending public health issues, including the current increasing trend in antimicrobial resistance, requires the One Health approach, which is multidisciplinary, involving the veterinarians and other related disciplines. Veterinary Public Health experts play a critical role in contributing to the budding public health programmes in government and private institutions bringing to the fore their expertise in epidemiology of zoonoses and interactions at the animal, human and environment interface. The history and tradition of the profession always have focused on protecting and improving both animal and human health.

Sexual harassment cases seem not to be common in UI. What is the university doing to achieve this?

The University of Ibadan has zero tolerance for sexual harassment; as such, cases are very rare. In line with UIs commitment to transformative processes in higher education, the university has produced a sexual harassment policy aimed at cultivating and maintaining a working and learning environment that reflects respect for the dignity of all members of our community, thereby stimulating and supporting an environment free of sexual harassment and gender-based violence. Although I did not face any related issue, speaking up to the designated committee while the system ensures there is no witch-hunting will go a long way to controlling this menace.

Read the original here:

Livestock bred with growth promoters unhealthy for consumption Prof Adetunji - Punch Newspapers

Popular YouTubers The Boys geek out over Hasbulla for 15 minutes straight – We Got This Covered

The Boys, those popular YouTubers based in Australia and the United States, recently had the utmost pleasure of meeting the one and only Internet sensation, Hasbulla. The channel, consisting of five members, Mully, Josh, Grand (or, Narrator), Eddie, and Juicy, just could not help themselves once they realized Hasbulla, a 20-year-old social media influencer from Russia who is known for his viral TikTok videos during the COVID-19 outbreak.

The social media star got his kickstart on TikTok, sharing his health condition Growth Hormone Deficiency (GHD), otherwise known as dwarfism. Hasbullas name started virilizing once the young adult wanted to fight Abdu Rozik, a Tajik singer who is known to be the worlds smallest singer. However, said brawl never saw the light of day as the Sports Association of Little People of Russia, deemed the spur as unethical. At this moment, Hasbulla has over three million followers on Instagram, becoming one of the biggest internet social media personalities to have come out of the pandemic with his feral wrestling prankster antics.

Since then, Hasbullas popularity has only been increasing through TikTok videos, memes, collaborations, and internet exposure. Naturally, Hasbullas presence has caught the eye of many influencers and YouTubers who are absolutely mesmerized by the Russians perseverance, good-humored nature, and willingness to try just about anything. The Boys are just one of the few examples of channels geeking out about Hasbulla, and they actually managed to meet up with the influencer and have quite the fanboying moments.

In the 15-minute video entitled The Boys Interview Hasbulla, very few questions were actually answered. Mully, Josh, and Narrator went completely ballistic over meeting Hasbulla. Once they finally faced the influencer, the chaos started. The boys immediately introduced Hasbulla to the Australian delicacy that is Marmite, with Josh eating a spoonful of the savory spread. From then on, the video became more chaotic by the moment, with Hasbulla joining in on the mayhem.

From worm slapping to a panic-stricken Josh over Hasbillas aggressive meerkat attitude, and even arm (and feet?) wrestling, The Boys matched the influencers energy the same way Hasbulla matched theirs. Spreading marmite on an iPhone and fork fighting didnt seem like it was in the plans of the video. Still, much for our entertainment, everyone just created havoc, as Hasbulla made it his mission to completely terrorize the members of The Boys, much to their absolute delight.

Considering the popularity of the video, which has over two million views so far, we can only hope to see another collaboration between these social media stars. Perhaps this time, The Boys will know better than to keep cutlery near Hasbullas feral instinct.

Read more here:

Popular YouTubers The Boys geek out over Hasbulla for 15 minutes straight - We Got This Covered

Dr. Oz Returns with the Momentum to Take Out Fetterman – The Clay Travis & Buck Sexton Show

BUCK: Control of the United States Senate may well rest with whether our next guest is able to come out victorious in his quest to be the next senator from the state of Pennsylvania. Dr. Mehmet Oz is with us now. Dr. Oz, always good to have you, sir.

DR. OZ: Especially good today after watching the Eagles prevail last night. That was if youre a lifelong Eagles fan, thats the best feeling in the world.

CLAY: Jalen Hurts looks pretty good, honestly. Theres a lot of uncertainty about how he was gonna pan out, but they appear to be on a roll right now, especially with the Cowboys suffering and the rest of the NFC East a bit of a mess.

RT if @JalenHurtss rating should go up! #Madden23 |

Madden NFL 23 (@EAMaddenNFL) September 20, 2022

DR. OZ: Were feeling good, but of course the Eagles are always in it; the question is how deeply. But Hurts so good is what we say. And thats actually yesterday I was in Kensington, which is where they shot Rocky, and it used to be, when I was in med school and I went to graduate school in Philadelphia, it was, you know, a reasonable area.

Now its the biggest open-air drug den in the drug park in the world, probably. You know, fentanyl pouring across the open border. Its they have shooting up everywhere, people walking like zombies through the streets, homeowners cant go back to their apartments, stores are shut down.

And I went there in part cause the Democrats refuse to go to where the homeless are because they know it and theyre ashamed of the reality of what their policies create. And you mentioned this race. The reason Im gonna win is my opponent, John Fetterman, is far to the left of Joe Biden. Hes, you know, Bernie Sanders bosom buddy.

They call each other the two most progressive candidates in America. They will not own up to the impact of their policies. So, when he says legalize all drugs, create heroin injection sites, open the border, who cares about fentanyl, well deal with it later, and then we end up with what I went through yesterday.

You know, its a lot of hurt, a lot of pain for people who, if they had a little bit of help and some courage, could clean up the streets, take care of the homeless issue, and save lives.

BUCK: Dr. Oz, you know, the Fetterman campaign, as we understand it, is trying to walk back a little bit the previous support that John Fetterman had given for paroling second-degree murderers, letting them out of prison. He was also a defund the police guy during the BLM era.

In Pennsylvania, there are close to 1,200 inmates in prison for second-degree murder.

John Fetterman said he wants to free every single one of them. All 1,200.

RNC Research (@RNCResearch) September 20, 2022

What do people need to know about Fetterman on crime and specifically on the issue of letting murder I mean, second-degree murder is intentional murder or a murder committed in addition to another felony. I mean, its about as serious as it gets. So why would he want to let those people out?

DR. OZ: Hes a pro-murderer candidate. Hes about chaos. He puts the criminals above the innocent. He wanted to release at least one-third of all criminals and he crossed over willing to push for first-degree murderers getting released as well. There was a man, John David Brookins who killed his girlfriends mother.

There are people listening right now who probably are upset about the moms of their girlfriends or wives. But you dont (loss of audio). Thats what this guy did. And because he learned yoga and studying horticulture, Fetterman said it just didnt square with him, literally he said, That doesnt square with me that this guy could have done this.

A jury convicts the person. A judge sentences them. Fetterman thinks hes above the law. Hes done it over and over again. And if his main goal in life is take care of the murderers, then where does that leave Philadelphia, which has the highest murder rate in its history ever? I dont buy it. Pennsylvania doesnt buy it.

Infuriating: Police Officers Widow Blasts Fetterman For Appointing Cop Killer Friend to Pardon Board

Dr. Mehmet Oz (@DrOz) September 19, 2022

Hes backtracking cause he knows that these sound greatest, you know, 140-character tweets, people applaud you cause, you know, thats what they do on Twitter. But in reality, it causes chaos. Murder rates, where they are now, drugs, number three in the country for fentanyl overdose deaths.

One of the women that I took to rehab yesterday last week died, and they managed to get her back with Narcan and she finally said she had enough and wanted to go to detox. Where are the Democrats? Wheres Fetterman when these, you know, pearl-clutching, sits in his living room, tweeting out these things, but the reality is people are dying on stoops, destroying the city of Philadelphia.

The same problems theyre seeing in Pittsburgh and Harrisburg and Erie. Folks, are not gonna side with him in this election. And he is plummeting for this reason.

CLAY: Hes trying to hide in his basement and run the Joe Biden campaign from 2020. The difference is hes doing it because hes not healthy because of a stroke and Joe Biden did it because of covid. We know Biden obviously managed to snooker a substantial portion of the country.

But Fetterman is still refusing to have a normal debate with you in a normal time. I believe hes agreed a late October debate but only for 60 minutes and only if he gets closed-captioning so he can read the questions.

Have I got that correct? What is the latest on the debate battle and whether Fetterman is claiming that hes healthy enough to do it?

DR. OZ: Well, either hes healthy as he claims he is and hes hiding his radical ideas and doesnt to want debate them or hes lying about his health. But you tell me. The debate was supposed to be October 6th. He said hell only do it if its the last week of October.

Obviously, because he has two options, he can either bag out of it if he wants, or if he doesnt do well, they can try to cover it up for the last 10 days of the campaign. He also does not give me a full hour. We have to disclosed all this closed-captioning stuff, all the things done because of his health problems.

And then closed-captioning means hes gonna do things slowly, right? He has to see the question written out cause he cant answer it if its asked. You know, these are all problems

CLAY: Let me just ask you this. I know youre a doctor. And I know you havent treated Dr. Oz, you have not treated John Fetterman, but hes running for an office that requires that you be an elite communicator to be able to advocate for the state of Pennsylvania.

Thats essentially the job of a senator. Hes saying that you cant actually communicate unless he can read the questions that are being asked to him. Thats a pretty unbelievable position for someone running for the United States Senate to be putting forward in a public fashion.

SUPERCUT: Do you think John Fetterman is ready for public office?

RNC Research (@RNCResearch) September 15, 2022

DR. OZ: Listen. Ive got compassion. I know what hes going through. I treat these problems. You know, when you have heart failure and atrial fibrillation and a stroke and all this stuff is going on, you cant understand the words normally, I get it, its hard.

But you have got to be transparent with the voters of Pennsylvania. Pat Toomey came and campaigned last week and said, you cannot serve in the Senate if you cant debate. This man, Fetterman, has not answered a question on the campaign trail instantaneously from a reporter.

I did that yesterday, for example, as I always do, gaggle of reporters, ask whatever you want. Ill field it. Its my job. Im running to be your senator. You have to understand how I deal with pressure. Fetterman doesnt answer questions from voters.

He doesnt answer my questions. What kind of a Democrats do we have if youre not forced to answer the questions that appropriately should be asked of you to defend your position? By the way, if youre bothered by this, everyone, go to and support me.

The reason Fetterman is doing as he is doing in Pennsylvania is because hes funded primarily with money from New York and California pouring in, people liberals dont realize how dangerous he is. They just want to get a 51st seat in the Senate, but theyre gonna put someone there whos a near and present danger.

BUCK: And its amazing were speaking to Dr. Oz. Dr. Oz, Ive seen already the shift in the last few months. Fetterman, everything you saw in this guy until this year was, hes a progressive, I mean, to your point about being aligned with Bernie Sanders.

He was a Legalize drugs. Defund the police., you know, Whos streets? Our streets, basically like a rabble-rousing Marxist is what this guy is really going for. Like thats his Vibe. And now all of a sudden, were told, oh, no, hes a moderate Democrat, hes totally, you know, just like all the other hardworking folks of Pennsylvania. I mean, at some point its just too much.

DR. OZ: Hes about chaos. His positions on education are flawed. The hypocrisy gets deeper. On taxes hes a big advocate for raising middle class taxes. He hasnt paid his 67 times. How many people out there have not paid their taxes once? I mean, hes got 67 leans for not paying taxes

Freeloading Fetterman was sued 67 TIMES for failing to pay his taxes but wants to raise the taxes of hardworking Pennsylvanians.

Dr. Mehmet Oz (@DrOz) September 19, 2022

BUCK: Wait, Doc, you gotta tell us a little how is that even possible? Like I think I owed the IRS once $200 10 years ago and I was told like you better pay up or else. Like, what 67 leans?

DR. OZ: Hes got properties that he didnt pay taxes on, hes got foundations that they didnt file their documents. And then he was asked about it, said, oh, it slipped through the cracks, not a big deal. What are you talking about? Youre not above the law.

You cannot rewrite tax law to suit your needs. You dont get to jack up reckless spending and then claim its not the fault of you and Biden but rather the oil companies (unintelligible). He wants to send the DOJ after leaders of corporate America who he doesnt like.

What are you talking about? And this is the kind of stuff that that he you know, he blurts it out and people cover for him, but this is the person youll be putting into the U.S. Senate. Hes basically a, you know, AOC on steroids and growth hormone.

CLAY: So, my understanding let me get this right, Dr. Oz he bought his house for a dollar from his sister. His parents funded his lifestyle in his thirties and his forties. He is recovering from a very serious illness and is not capable of actually doing the job according to the current senator from Pennsylvania, Pat Toomey, who has actually done the job.

And back in 2013 he heard bottle rockets going off, grabbed a shotgun, and chased down a random black jogger and held him at gunpoint cause he thought he was responsible for this. And he wants to release a third or more of all prisoners inside of Pennsylvania prisons.

In 2013, Democrat John Fetterman said he did the right thing by chasing down an unarmed Black jogger and pulling a shotgun on him.

RNC Research (@RNCResearch) August 17, 2022

Does this guy have any actual normal opinions? Is there anything I mean this honestly. I havent heard one thing that I like about him. And, oh, by the way, he pretends to be working class by wearing shorts and a hoodie around everywhere. Why is he not the worst candidate that either party has nominated in this election cycle?

DR. OZ: Oh, he is without question. He unleashes chaos wherever he goes. And the Democratic Party did not want him to be their nominee, but this is the crisis that America faces. Hes so out there, far left and not just from his costume with his hoodie but everything he says that he attracts a disaffected generation of Democratic voters, far left radicals who just want to blow it up, just America is so irredeemably sane wed rather destroy it.

And then we can rebuild it with our own you know, our own ideology. And then they go behind him and they donate crazy amounts of money online to this guy. So, he takes those ads and he pretends hes something else. That is the Democratic Party strategy.

John Fetterman wants to RELEASE one-third of inmates.

Pass it on.

RNC Research (@RNCResearch) September 15, 2022

Dont debate, dont answer questions, stay in your basement like Joe Biden, well just manufacture you, well tell people who they should think you are, address it specifically to whatever your biases are and basically Max Headroom. Im running against Max Headroom.

He never goes out and says anything, he doesnt take positions, he doesnt defend his stances. He just runs ads to tell his version which of course ignores the reality of what he said in the past. Its why Im gonna beat him because Pennsylvanians are too smart for this.

But watch my words. This is the Democratic Party agenda, a game plan going forward. Theyre not gonna run their candidate. And if you get away with it, if you dont have to actually have a candidate leave home, make mistakes, defend themselves, which is hard to do, then youre never gonna have candidates campaigning.

Youre just gonna sit in your basement, call for donors, collect the money, put TVs on, ads on television, and con the voting public. We will no longer have democracy as we know it.

BUCK: Pennsylvanians, you gotta get it done for Dr. Oz here. Dr. Oz, appreciate you being with us, sir. Thank you.

DR. OZ: God bless.

Go here to read the rest:

Dr. Oz Returns with the Momentum to Take Out Fetterman - The Clay Travis & Buck Sexton Show

I tried popular weight loss diet for two weeks heres the surprising things I learned… – The US Sun

WE'RE told many things when it comes to food: dont skip meals, but skip snacks, eat intuitively, but not too much

It can all get very confusing! So its easy to see how the simplicity of intermittent fasting where, sticking to your usual calorie intake, you restrict eating to certain times of the day can seem attractive.


Even more so if youre keen to lose weight, which lots of us are this summer saw a whopping 1,100% increase in Google searches for: How to lose stubborn belly fat.

According to research by Harvard School of Public Health, intermittent fasting sees a typical weight loss of 7-11lb when followed for 10 weeks.

Ten weeks seemed a bit much for my first try, but would two make a difference to my health, happiness and the number on my bathroom scales?

A drop in insulin during fasting is shown to facilitate fat burning. Growth hormone levels may also increase, which can support fat burning and muscle formation, says nutritionist Rob Hobson, co-author of The Detox Kitchen Bible.

Fasting also appears to improve insulin sensitivity, which helps maintain healthy blood sugar levels and reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes, says Rob.

Studies have also found fasting can help ward off arthritis*, chronic pain** and high blood pressure***, while the increased levels of healthy gut bacteria that come from intermittent fasting aid digestion, and a happy gut is linked to improved mental health.

So far, fasting almost sounds too good to be true, and Im not one for calorie-counting either, which makes it even more appealing.

As someone who suffers from irritable bowel syndrome, cutting down my window of eating, avoiding late-night snacking and allowing my digestive system time to work its magic also seemed like something I couldbenefit from.

I opt for the 16:8 diet, which involves eating within an eight-hour window, then fasting for 16 hours (other variations include 14:10, and 5:2, in which you fast for two days in a week).

In theory, you sleep through the bulk of the 16 hours, setting your eating window as 9am-5pm or 12pm-8pm, so you can fit in your usual breakfast, lunch and dinner times.

But you can set any hours that suit you. During week one, it was difficult to get a handle on my fasting window.

Due to a busy schedule, I had to alternate the hours I ate to avoid being antisocial, which at times meant not eating for a whole 24 hours.

As a result, during the eight-hour window I could eat, I was gorging on everything I could get my hands on, which was counter-productive.

There is huge scope for giving in to hunger, says Rob, which could result in binge-eating and unhealthy snacking.

To keep energy levels up, I was snacking a lot on apples, as theyre said to curb hunger pangs, and bananas, but also crisps and biscuits.

I was so tired and irritable, getting annoyed over silly things, such as my boyfriend eating when I couldnt.

I even cancelled plans because I couldnt face doing anything.

On the plus side, by the end of the first week, Id noticed my bowel movements had become more regular, because my body had time to actually digest what I was eating and, as a result, I felt less bloated.

Even still, the number on the scales hadnt budged.


For week two, I wanted to be more mindful about what and when I was eating.

I set my feasting window from 12pm-8pm, stuck to it and squeezed in three meals. It was tough though.

Rob told me to increase my fibre and protein intake to ward off hunger pangs.

Breakfast (eaten more around lunchtime) was peanut butter on toast, overnight oats or Greek yoghurt and fruit.

Id try to make a falafel wrap for lunch, and for dinner found myself having carbs like potatoes or pasta to keep me fuller for longer.

When I ate light options, such as salmon and broccoli, Id wake up starving in the night.

I assumed fasting meant avoiding tea, coffee or other drinks that help take the edge off tummy rumbles, but you dont have to rule them out.

In fact, Rob suggests getting creative with your options. You are going to get hungry, so stock up on miso soup and low-calorie hot chocolate to have during your fasting window, he says.

I upped my fluids throughout the day and realised that when I thought I was hungry, sometimes I was actually just dehydrated.

Although I didnt drop any weight during my fortnight on the 16:8 plan, at times I did feel less bloated and could fit comfortably into a tighter skirt than usual.

I also drank more water, became mindful about what I was eating to stay energised and I ditched evening snacking (which is a real culprit when it comes to piling on the pounds).

However, I underestimated how hard fasting would be.

Cavemen were pros at it, fasting until they caught and killed their next meal, and some religions regularly feature periods of fasting, so its doable, but my concentration, tolerance level and sleep suffered drastically, plus I ended up avoiding exercise because I felt too weak.

Rob suggests exercising between meals so you are fuelled up with the energy and protein to promote muscle recovery, but I found it exhausting.

Logistically, fasting is tricky. When I meal-prepped in advance, it felt easier but knowing those healthy meals were waiting for me in the fridge, Id want to eat them sooner, which made it even more difficult to stick to my feasting window.

For me, fasting for weight loss just didnt feel sustainable for more than a couple of weeks even if it did kick my late-night snacking habits into touch!

Your Feasting-Window Meal Plan

Follow Rob Hobsons menu to keep you from reaching for the snacks


Porridge with milk and topped with honey, nuts, seeds, cinnamon and fruit. Stir in yoghurt for extra protein and calcium.


Wholemeal wrap or pitta bread, filled with salad and a protein (meat, fish, tofu or cheese). Add a handful of grain, such as brown rice or quinoa, and mashed avocado.


Grain-based salad with veg, a protein and healthy fats (avocado, nuts, seeds). Dress the salad with olive oil and lemon juice. Follow with a dessert of yoghurt and fruit.

Originally posted here:

I tried popular weight loss diet for two weeks heres the surprising things I learned... - The US Sun

Hindus of Greater Houston honors 75 youth for commitment to community –

75 youth awardees pose for a photo at the Sept. 10, 2022, event in Houston hosted by the Hindus of Greater Houston. Photo: HGH

At an event in Houston Sept. 10, 2022, hosted by Hindus of Greater Houston, HGH, 75 youth were recognized and honored for their strong sense of community, fostering conversations about Indian culture, and inspiring the next generation of leaders with their contributions. The event was held at the newly renovated auditorium at Sri Meenakshi Temple which was filled to capacity with more than 500 people.

Past President of HGH Partha Krishnaswamy came up with the idea of awarding 75 Hindu youth this year to commemorate Indias Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav (75 years of Indias Independence), a press release from Krishnaswamy said. It was approved by the HGH team.

More than 44 organizations participated, 75 awardees were selected and included those of Caucasian, African American, Caribbean, Nepali, and Indo-American origin. The event was attended by representatives from participating organizations, donors, HGH Advisory board members, community leaders and distinguished guests, the press release said.


A lamplighting cermony kickstarted the evening which was replete with insights, inspiration, and practical takeaways. Beth Kulkarni, HGH and Hindu Temple of The Woodlands founding member, highlighted the organizations prominent role in encouraging and mentoring the youth.

Keynote speaker Partho Ghosh offered a transformative way of thinking with his seven-point vision to make the world a better place, and also dwelt on how Vedanta philosophys tenets can drive better leaders.

Young speakers Somansh Agarwal and Naisargi Jaiswal of the National President of Hindu Students Association shared pointers on ways to engage with others in promoting Indian culture and traditions and how the youth could take these practices forward in their colleges.

Also part of the evening was a Kathak performance from the Shivangini Academy of Performing Arts and a Bharatanatyam Thillana by the Abhinaya School of Performing Arts.

Deputy Consul General of India in Houston Sandeep Choudhary congratulated the awardees and spoke briefly of the importance of connectivity of the youth awardees with those in India.

Interfaith Ministry of Greater Houston Program Manager Kim Mabry thanked HGH for inviting the Interfaith Ministries to the Hindu Youth Awards ceremony, describing it as a beautiful display of the life, art, and culture of the Hindu community of Houston.

A surprise 75-item dessert station accompanied the dinner. The sweets were prepared by BAPS Shayona and Bombay Sweets. Nalini Kannan of Decor One decorated the dessert station in tune with the theme of the evening.

Read more:

Hindus of Greater Houston honors 75 youth for commitment to community -

Grand Forks instructor is ‘Teacher of the Year’ – Prairie Public Broadcasting

An English Language teacher from Red River Hgh School in Grand Forks has been named the 2023 North Dakota Teacher of the Year.

Ivana Todorovic is a native of Bosnia, who came to Grand Forks in 1995. She teaches students who are not fluent in English, or are learning the language for the first time. And she has been teaching for 17 years.

Todorovic received the honor at a state capitol ceremony in Bismarck. In her remarks, she encouraged teachers to continue to make a difference.

"Don't ever forget that you do make a difference in your students' lives," Todorovic said. "And this itself gives us energy, inspiration and passion to continue our journey as teachers and public servants of this great country and state. And rememeber we may not have it all together, but together, we have it all."

Todorovic was one of four finalists for the award. The others were Abby DuBord, a first grade teacher at Elk Ridge Elementary School in Bismarck; Megan Margerum, a third grade teacher at Northern Cass Public School; and Megan Wald, a business instructor at Linton High School.


Grand Forks instructor is 'Teacher of the Year' - Prairie Public Broadcasting

Anti Aging Products and Therapies Market rocket up to USD 3.3 Billion by 2029 at a 8% CAGR Check Industry Share, Growth, Analysis, Value, Statistics -…

Luton, Bedfordshire, United Kingdom, Sept. 21, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Exactitude Consultancy, the market research and consulting wing of Ameliorate Digital Consultancy Private Limited has completed and published the final copy of the detailed research report on the Anti-Aging Products and Therapies Market.

The market for Anti Aging Products and Therapies is anticipated to grow at a CAGR of 8% over the course of the forecast period, reaching USD 3.3 billion by 2029.

Anti Aging Products and Therapies Market

The market for Anti Aging Products and Therapies will expand strongly during the anticipated period due to the growth in aging populations in numerous developed and developing nations. The demand for Anti Aging therapies and ultimately Anti Aging products will rise as medical tourism for aesthetic procedures and new Anti Aging technology are developed.

Aging is a maturing phase that involves a decline in stamina, strength, agility, speed, basal metabolism, acute hearing, and sexual activity. The bones are more fragile, the teeth shed easily, and the skin is drier. Aging skin is mainly associated with a sagging face, in which deeper tissues such as subjacent soft tissue and structural landmarks lose their resiliency. Anti Aging is a process of limiting or slowing these changes through various products and therapies.

Although ageing is a physiological process, it is recognized that extrinsic variables like air pollution, alcohol use, and UV exposure have a negative impact on skin cells and contribute to accelerated ageing. By helping to maintain moisture and a young glow, Anti Aging creams and lotions are essential in a person's life. In 2020, a Real Self poll found that 62% of Americans included Anti Aging products in their regular skincare routine.

Anti Aging Products and Therapies Market: Impacting Factors

A major factor driving Anti Aging Products and Therapies Market is the rise in skin cancer cases. The advent of Anti Aging therapies including breast implants, plastic surgeries, etc. as a consequence of major technology advancements and increasing R&D activity has fueled market expansion.

Increased awareness of ageing among young people and adults in relation to their physical looks has also contributed to the product's soaring demand. However, the expense of the goods and the dangers associated with hazardous Anti Aging therapies are expected to impede the Anti Aging Products and Therapies Market's growth.

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Anti Aging Products and Therapies Market: Recent Development

Anti Aging Products and Therapies Market Key Players:

Anti Aging Products and Therapies Market Major Key Players include: Allergan, Ipsen, Lanzhou Institute, Corneal(Allergan), Galdermal, LG Life Science, Bohus BioTech, IMEIK, Merck, Gaoxin, Others.

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Anti Aging Products and Therapies Market: Growth Factors

An intricate biological process, skin ageing is influenced by both internal and external factors. Women seem to favour Anti Aging products the most. Women place a lot of importance on having beautiful skin and being healthy. As a result, several Anti Aging treatments and procedures have been introduced during the past ten years. People are increasingly more conscious about their skin and health today. Additionally, the physical appearance is given the highest significance. A person with a positive personality is also admired by everyone. All of the aforementioned variables together are resulting in a demand for Anti Aging Products and Therapies Market.

Anti Aging Products and Therapies Market:Segmentation

By Type, it is segmented into

By Application, it is segmented into

Anti Aging Products and Therapies Market: Regional Analysis

The market in North America held the largest market share in 2020 and is anticipated to expand at a consistent CAGR throughout the course of the forecast period. This might be linked to the region's ageing population, particularly generation Y, which is driving industry growth by being increasingly concerned of wellbeing, attractiveness, and physical appearance.

The existence of major Anti Aging Products and Therapies Market participants, increased knowledge of plastic surgery, the availability of well-established infrastructure, and rising buying power all contribute to the region's growth.

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Anti Aging Products and Therapies Market rocket up to USD 3.3 Billion by 2029 at a 8% CAGR Check Industry Share, Growth, Analysis, Value, Statistics -...