We recently came across a debate on Reddit about Nugenix Total T reviews. A middle-aged man who'd apparently used Total T for 6 months was ranting about how the product didn't work for him. He said that he was extremely disappointed and that it was a waste of money.
Best Alternatives for Nugenix Total T TestoPrime - Top rated Testosterone booster with a lifetime guarantee TestoFuel - A bestseller with over 250,000 happy customers Prime Male - Trusted by millions of middle-aged men worldwide
There were some new accounts that were fiercely defending the product and claiming that it had worked wonderfully for them.
We have been reviewing dietary supplements for over 3 years now and have come to the conclusion that most of these products are nothing but placebo pills. But when a product is marketed so well and has such good reviews, it is hard not to get tempted to try it out.
That is why we decided to take a closer look at this particular testosterone booster to see if it was really as ineffective as this man claimed.
What is Nugenix Total T?Nugenix Total T is a testosterone booster that claims to help in boosting energy levels, improve sex drive, and help in muscle growth. The company has been around for quite some time now and has a range of men's health products.
There's Nugenix Total T Maxx, a vitality booster, and even a free testosterone booster.
Testosterone boosting supplements are nothing novel. There's enough clinical evidence to say that testosterone levels in men have been declining every passing year.
Researchers attribute this to everything from environmental toxins to microplastics. But the fact is that your grandpa probably had double the T in his veins at your age, that you do now.
That's why TRT is a billion-dollar industry. But, a lot of people, us included do not subscribe to the idea of pinning exogenous testosterone for the rest of our lives.
That's why natural testosterone boosters like Total T, sell like hotcakes. You see, everyone wants to bump up their T levels with a pill. But, the question is - do these pills work?
How does Nugenix Total T work - The claimsNugenix Total T claims to offer the whole bouquet of benefits one associates with increased testosterone levels including lean muscle mass, sexual health, reduced body fat, fewer instances of erectile dysfunction, and energy levels.
Why, if we weren't aware that we are reading about a testosterone boosting supplement, we'd be mistaken that this was in fact an advert for a TRT clinic.
Lean Muscle mass tissueThe amount of muscle mass that your body can produce and sustain is inversely proportional to your age. So as you get older, it becomes increasingly difficult to put on and maintain muscle mass.
If you are over the age of 30, you have probably noticed that you are not as strong as you used to be and that it takes a lot more effort to stay in shape or even just get in shape. That can be attributed to your testosterone levels which have probably gone down by 1% every year since you turned 30.
Nugenix claims that their supplement can help in boosting muscle mass and strength by naturally increasing your testosterone levels.
Increased strengthThe amount of muscle mass that you have is not the only thing that contributes to your strength. Testosterone also plays a role in how strong those muscles are.If you have more testosterone, your muscles will be able to generate more force and help you lift heavier weights.
Nugenix Total T claims that it can make you stronger. If you are a middle-aged man, who's just hit a plateau in the gym, then this claim will definitely interest you.
Increased sex driveOne of the telltale signs of low testosterone is a loss in libido. Testosterone is the hormone that's responsible for your sexual urges. So, it stands to reason that if your T levels are down, so is your sex drive.
You just do not feel the urge to indulge in sexual activity anymore. Total T can apparently boost testosterone production to the extent that it has a positive influence on your sexual health.
Confidence and energy levelsAs your Testosterone levels increase, you will notice a difference in your mood. There's a marked improvement in the way you feel, you approach tasks. That's because Testosterone also happens to be this potent neurosteroid that offers all these benefits.
And Nugenix claims that their supplement can help in boosting your confidence and energy levels by increasing your serum testosterone levels and your free testosterone levels. Most testosterone supplements do not even affect your free testosterone levels.
So this claim from total t testosterone booster actually came across as a surprise.
Ingredients in Nugenix Total TThe first thing that we always check when reviewing a dietary supplement, is the list of ingredients.
This gives us an idea of how effective the product is likely to be.
Nugenix contains the following ingredients: B-Vitamins - B6 & B12 Minerals - Zinc, Boron Amino acid - L-Citrulline Malate Herb - Eurycoma Longifolia & Fenugreek
So, there are some interesting things in there. There's L-Citruline Malate which is a popular ingredient in pre-workout supplements.
It's an amino acid that's known to improve blood flow and increase nitric oxide levels in the body.
This can lead to better pumps in the gym. But, there's no clinical evidence to show that it can boost T.
The minerals Zinc & Boron are known to be important for Testosterone production.
Boron, in particular, is a micronutrient that's known to increase free testosterone levels in the body. However, the doses of these minerals in Nugenix are pretty low and are unlikely to offer any benefit.
The herbs too, have some interesting properties. Fenugreek is known to be a popular ingredient in Testosterone boosters. It's known to increase free testosterone levels and also has the added benefit of lowering SHBG (sex hormone binding globulin) levels.
Eurycoma Longifolia or apple fruit extract is another herb that's often used in T-boosters. It's known to be a potent aphrodisiac and is also thought to increase testosterone levels.
However, the doses are so minuscule that they are unlikely to offer any benefit.
So, on the whole, the ingredient list is not too impressive. There are some good ingredients in there but the doses are pretty low and are unlikely to offer any benefit.
Does Nugenix Total T work?The reason why we always review the ingredient list and then correlate it with clinical studies is that manufacturers are able to get away with a lot of lies and false claims.
The same is the case with Nugenix.
They have made some bold claims, which sadly have little or no clinical evidence to back them up.
Here's what we think. The ingredients are under dosedAs we said, there are some good ingredients that we consider to be the gold standard for anyone who's suffering from low testosterone levels. There's Zinc, Boron, Fenugreek, and Eurycoma Longifolia.
All of these ingredients have been clinically proven to increase testosterone levels. However, the doses are way too low for them to offer any benefit.
The doses are so low that they are unlikely to increase your testosterone levels by even 1%. Only if you are deficient in one of these minerals in the first place, may you see a small increase in your testosterone levels.
Ineffective ingredients for cosmetic appealThe other ingredients like B-Vitamins and L-Citrulline Malate are not going to have any effect on your testosterone levels.
It may produce some other benefits like improving blood flow and energy levels but not testosterone.
The doses are also very low for them to have any significant effect.
This is something that supplement companies do to make their products look more impressive. They include ineffective ingredients in their product, which actually does nothing other than increase the price of the product. L-Citrulline will convert into Arginine in your body and improve blood flow, which can lead to better muscle pumps.
That may fool some users into thinking that the product is working but it doesn't actually increase testosterone levels.
Nothing to boost free testosterone levels as claimedOne of the claims that they make is that Nugenix Total T can increase free testosterone levels and not just total testosterone. For those who are new to this, free testosterone is the percentage of testosterone that is bioavailable for use.
It's not bound to SHBG (sex hormone binding globulin) and can be used by your body for various functions.
Theoretically, this sounds true because some of the ingredients like Fenugreek and Eurycoma Longifolia are known to decrease SHBG levels in the body. This results in more testosterone being available for use.
But the letdown is the dosage. The doses of these ingredients are way too low for them to have any significant effect. Also, if Total T could increase your free testosterone levels, why do they sell another nugenix free testosterone booster?
Click here to Buy the Best Testosterone Boosters
Nugenix Total T CostAt $69.99 for a month's supply, Nugenix Total T is probably one of the most expensive T-boosters on the market.
For a lower price, you can get TestoPrime which actually has clinically effective doses of all its ingredients and is also one of our top-rated testosterone boosters.
Nugenix Total T review - Final ThoughtsNugenix Total T in our opinion is a let down. They obviously have a strong marketing team because we see their adverts everywhere.
But when it comes to the product, it's just not good enough.
It doesn't have clinically effective doses of its ingredients and is also very expensive. We would recommend that you give this one a miss and go for something else.There are three potent and clinically backed testosterone boosters that we would recommend.
#1 - TestoPrime - Our top rated T-booster with potent ingredients at clinically effective doses
Most testosterone boosters sold on the internet shy away from offering anything more than a template guarantee. But TestoPrime is the only T-booster that comes with a lifetime money-back guarantee.
If you don't see any results with TestoPrime, you can return the empty bottles and get a full refund. What does that tell you? For us, it shows that the company is very confident about the results their product can offer.
TestoPrime contains 12 clinically backed ingredients at optimal doses to help increase your serum and free testosterone levels.
Why TestoPrime is better than Nugenix Total T?There are two things that separate a quality testosterone booster supplement from an average one. The dosage of the ingredients and the quality of the ingredients.In our opinion, Nugenix Total T fails on both fronts.
The doses of the ingredients are way too low for them to have any significant effect. And some of the ingredients included are not going to have any impact on your testosterone levels.
On the other hand, TestoPrime is the strongest testosterone booster supplement on the market. It contains doses of all its ingredients that are clinically backed to help increase testosterone levels in your body, totaling almost 12 grams per dose.
The top 3 benefits of using TestoPrimeUsers who have used TestoPrime for a few months have claimed a total transformation in their lives. But we are going to limit it to the top three benefits here.
TestoPrime can help increase your energy levels and staminaIf you are someone who is looking for a safe and natural way to boost their energy levels, look no further than TestoPrime. The ingredients present in TestoPrime have all been clinically backed to support energy production in your body. You will gain muscle a lot easierIf you lift iron, get ready to see some serious gains. TestoPrime can help increase the level of nitrogen retention in your body, which is essential for protein synthesis and building muscle mass. You will notice an improvement in your sex lifeThe testosterone boosting effects will also extend to your love life. Testosterone is not only responsible for giving you those gains in the gym but also plays a vital role in regulating your sexual health.
If you have been experiencing erectile dysfunction more often, then your testosterone receptors in the penile tissue might be affected. This will help restore it.
TestoPrime CostDespite the huge difference in the potency and the ingredients, TestoPrime is actually priced lower than Nugenix Total T.
A bottle of TestoPrime that will last you a month costs $59.99. You can save money by opting for the 3-month package which cost $177.00 and gets you two bottles for free. Keeps getting better, doesn't it?
TestoPrime - Final thoughtsIf you are looking to increase your testosterone levels naturally, this is the first product you should go for. TestoPrime is our top-rated testosterone booster for a reason. It contains clinically effective doses of all its ingredients, comes with a lifetime money-back guarantee, and is also priced very reasonably.
Click here to buy TestoPrime from the official website now."
#2 - TestoFuel - Get Ripped and Vascular in months
TestoFuel is our go-to testosterone booster for athletes, recreational lifters, and former anabolic steroid users looking for a natural alternative to pinning. This amazing T-booster can help increase your lean muscle mass, improve your strength and shave off body fat - all at the same time.
The ingredients present in TestoFuel have all been clinically backed to support testosterone production in your body.
Why we recommend TestoFuel over Nugenix Total T?Any brand that tries to tell you that performance enhancement is solely about testosterone is talking out of their asses. It's not just about testosterone, it's about every anabolic hormone in your body working in harmony.
There are five main hormones that are responsible for muscle growth and fat loss. They are testosterone, GH (Growth Hormone), IGF-1 (Insulin-like Growth Factor), cortisol, and estrogen.
Testofuel is designed to support optimum levels of all these hormones, which is what makes it so potent for athletes.
Top 3 benefits of using TestoFuelIf you are wondering how using TestoFuel will translate into real-world benefits, here are the top three benefits you can expect:
Rapid Muscle GainsYou will be able to pack on slabs of lean muscle mass in a short period of time thanks to the potent anabolic environment created by TestoFuel. There are increased testosterone levels that's boosting muscle protein synthesis and nitrogen retention.
There are the increased GH levels that's promoting cell proliferation and differentiation. And lastly, the increased IGF-1 levels that's playing a key role in muscle hypertrophy.
Improved StrengthYou will be able to see significant improvements in strength as your muscles will be better primed for growth. The increase in testosterone will result in stronger contractions while the higher GH levels lead to a faster recovery from exercise-induced muscle damage.
Shredded PhysiqueIf you are looking to get ripped, then TestoFuel will help you get there faster thanks to the fat-burning properties of testosterone and growth hormone. The higher your T-levels are, the lower your body fat percentage will be.
Also, let's not discount the difference that the increased blood flow and perpetual muscle pumps will bring to your body.
TestoFuel CostTestoFuel comes at $65 for a month's supply. That's peanuts if you compare the cost of other T-boosters on the market that don't even come close to delivering the same results.
Plus, you don't have to worry about TestoFuel messing up your hormones as it's a natural testosterone booster.
TestoFuel - Final ThoughtsTestoFuel is a winner all the way. This potent t booster will change the way you workout in the gym. Weights become lighter, recovery becomes easier, and everything just feels easier.
The gains you'll make with TestoFuel are amazing. You will be packing on quality muscle mass in no time and getting ripped while you are at it.
Click here to buy TestoFuel from the official website now."
#3 - Prime Male - Tide through that mid-life low T crisis
Every male goes through a mid-life crisis that's caused due a dip in their primary androgenic hormone levels. This can trigger a slew of unwanted symptoms like weight gain, fatigue, low libido, and even erectile dysfunction.
Prime Male is a powerful testosterone booster that can help men deal with these issues by increasing their free and total testosterone levels.
Why we recommend Prime Male over Nugenix Total T?While recommending testosterone boosters, we look for solid evidence that goes beyond normal marketing hype.
There are several reasons why we believe that Prime Male is a better choice than Nugenix Total T. Firstly, it is the most diverse list of ingredients that we have seen in any T-booster. Secondly, the dosages of each ingredient are at the upper limit of what is considered safe and effective.
Most importantly, there are over 12 clinical studies that have been conducted on Prime Male's key ingredients, which prove beyond doubt that they can increase testosterone levels.
Top 3 benefits of using Prime MaleThere's a reason why we recommend Prime Male to every middle-aged man who's dealing with low T symptoms. Here are the top three benefits that you can expect from this testosterone booster:
Dramatic Changes in body compositionChanging your physique is not easy, especially when you're over the age of 35. Low testosterone levels make it harder to build muscle and lose fat.
Prime Male can fix the imbalances in your hormone levels, making it easier to achieve the body of your dreams.
Improved mental clarity and focusAs we age, it becomes harder to focus and retain information. This is because our testosterone levels also affect the levels of vital neurosteroids that can alter mood and motivation.
See the article here:
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