Prognostic factors in patients with HR+/HER2 breast cancer | CMAR – Dove Medical Press

Introduction Advances in screening and treatment paradigms for breast cancer has led to an overall decline in mortality rate in the past decade.1 The survival rate depends on stage of breast cancer at diagnosis, among other factors.2 The five-year survival rate for patients diagnosed with Stage IV breast cancer is 22%, for Stage III is 72% and Stage II is > 90%.3 Clinical decision-making in breast cancer management relies on determination of receptor status, as therapies have been developed that specifically benefit patients depending on hormone receptor (HR) and human epidermal growth factor (HER2) receptor status.46 HR+/HER2 status is the most common molecular subtype, accounting for two-thirds of US female breast cancer cases.79 In addition to advancements in treatment options over time, prognosis of breast cancer is influenced by factors that indicate growth, invasion, and metastatic potential of disease, thereby informing disease course and clinical outcome.4 The HR+/HER2 subtype has been associated with improved survival compared with other subtypes in the metastatic setting, also indicating some prognostic relationship between survival and receptor status.4,10 Amongst HR+/HER2 subtype, survival is influenced by other disease-related factors such as tumor grade, site of the metastasis (eg bone, liver, lung, or brain), prior therapy, as well as patient-related factors (eg age, race).11,12 Although several studies have identified prognostic factors associated with survival, especially in the early breast cancer setting,1315 it remains unclear to what extent these factors impact prognosis in advanced breast cancer.

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