10 Foods That Increase Human Growth Hormone – Medicalopedia

These 10 foods that increase human growth hormone can help boost both HGH (human growth hormone) and testosterone levels. Find out which 10 foods made our list of human growth hormone boosters.

The food you eat today could increase or decrease your human growth hormone levels tomorrow. When talking about hormone production, the saying you are what you eat has never been more relevant. These 10 foods that increase human growth hormone not only help raise HGH levels but many of them will impact testosterone production, as well.

Just think, something that you eat right before bedtime can improve sleep and increase energy. It can help you lose weight, remember facts more clearly, and even strengthen your bones. By knowing which foods to increase human growth hormone that you should eat, and when, you can change the way you look and feel.

Of course, you do not have to eat all 10 foods on our list below on the same day. However, the more of them that you can incorporate into your daily diet, the better the chance of avoiding HGH therapy to treat growth hormone deficiency.

Here is our list of the top 10 foods that increase human growth hormone naturally:

Goji Berries filled with 18 amino acids, 22 minerals, fatty acids, vitamins, and Sesquiterpenoids (phytonutrient), goji berries top the list of HGH stimulators.

Pineapple enjoy at bedtime to boost melatonin and serotonin release that will help you sleep. Pineapple is a digestion aid that also increases fat burning which occurs with the help of HGH while you sleep. A bonus is that pineapple also boosts testosterone production at night.

Fava Beans these tiny beans sit high on the HGH boosting list because they are packed with L-Dopa. Along with increasing testosterone and dopamine levels, fava beans also contain zinc, vitamin B6, magnesium, potassium, and other minerals.

Coconut Oil with many health benefits, its ability to spike a surge of HGH within a 30 90-minute period after consumption makes it a go-to booster.

Yogurt unpasteurized, organic yogurt contains L-glutamine to boost HGH levels.

Eggs organic, free-range eggs are loaded with vitamins and growth factors that boost HGH and testosterone levels.

Grassfed Beef considered a superfood, grass-fed beef contains bio-active amino acids, carnitine, and Co-Q10 to help stimulate a significant HGH boost.

Raw Chocolate loaded with more tryptophan than turkey, raw chocolate (not milk or white types) increases dopamine. You will sleep better and see a massive boost in both HGH and testosterone levels from raw cacao.

Nuts high in L-arginine, nuts not only help increase HGH but also improve fat-burning for weight loss.

Watermelon this fruit contains L-citrulline, an amino acid that the body converts to arginine to increase HGH secretion.

Why Does Food Have an Impact on Human Growth Hormone?

These foods that increase human growth hormone work in many ways. More than half your daily allotment of HGH secretion occurs while you are in a state of deep, slow-wave sleep. If you get less than seven hours a night, you will wind up with a shortage of human growth hormone. Any food that can help you sleep better is vital for hormone production. Getting eight hours of sleep is crucial for optimum HGH secretion. Pineapple is a top contender for HGH honors as it helps you fall asleep by increasing serotonin and melatonin production.

Other foods that naturally increase human growth hormone can have an impact during the day. Coconut oil can raise HGH levels for up to 4 hours. Consuming this in the morning and late afternoon can keep HGH production amped throughout the day.

Any food containing L-glutamine and L-arginine will be a hormonal powerhouse. Goji berries and grass-fed beef take the honors here.

Of the top 10 foods that increase human growth hormone, consuming organic, unpasteurized plain yogurt after dinner boosts HGH levels into the evening. Other beneficial foods that did not make the top 10 list include:

Raisins L-arginine

Raspberries melatonin

Parmesan cheese growth-inducing peptides

Raw fish omega-3 fatty acids

Gelatin L-glutamine

Algae spirulina and chlorella

Beets boost nitric oxide and testosterone

Lemons helps balance PH levels with alkaline to increase HGH

Will Eating Certain Foods Reverse Human Growth Hormone Deficiency?

Once you have HGH deficiency, you may feel as though you are fighting an uphill battle. Using food for increasing human growth hormone works best before you have a deficiency. That does not mean it will not help once you already have symptoms of decline. It will just take much longer for you to notice a significant difference.

Why Men and Women Should Consider Taking HGH and Testosterone

Age-related declines in human growth hormone (HGH) and testosterone are associated with increased body fat and decreased bone mineral density and lean muscle mass. However, when ashwagandha testosterone and HGH are taken together, this combination therapy can help reduce body fat, increase lean muscle mass, and improve bone-mineral density for overall improved quality of life.

Hormone fluctuation is a natural occurrence throughout a persons life. For women, events that affect hormone production include genetics, puberty, menopause, perimenopause, environmental toxins, sleep, exercise, stress, aging, and nutrition.

Role of HGH and Testosterone

Testosterone plays an essential role in brain function, bone strength, and muscle mass and strength. Also, it helps contribute to higher energy levels, increased sex drive, and a general sense of overall well-being.

On the other hand, HGH helps regulate heart function, body fluids, body composition, sugar and fat metabolism, and muscle and bone growth. This hormone is produced by the bodys pituitary gland, which stimulates cell regeneration and tissue growth and maintenance.

Both HGH and testosterone are critical to maintaining heart function, tissue, bones, muscles, and other organ function. Low levels of HGH and testosterone in the body could lead to the following signs and symptoms:

HGH and Testosterone Therapy

HGH and testosterone therapy will give you a toned, sexy body, tighter skin, shinier hair, and stronger nails, as well as the following benefits:


Now, you already have a better understanding of the role of HGH and testosterone in attaining overall health and well-being. While you can consume foods that can help increase HGH and testosterone, combination therapy can also help benefit from these two amazing hormones.

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10 Foods That Increase Human Growth Hormone - Medicalopedia

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